Chapter 07

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A young girl was walking around town until she saw a blonde hair girl and instantly recognized the person.

??: Yami-San!!

The girl was Yami the former Assassin and Shun mentor and girlfriend.

Yami: Mikan.

Mikan: What are you doing here, I thought you be with Shun back at Kouh

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Mikan: What are you doing here, I thought you be with Shun back at Kouh.

Yami became sad.

Yami: I need to speak to you and everyone else.

Mikan: Oh, about what?

Yami: Its about Shun.

Mikan nods and they both went to the market and then went home and called everyone for a meeting.

Rito: H-h-hey Yami, um so why did you call us here?

Yami: I received some bad news regarding Shun.

Yami: I received some bad news regarding Shun

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Momo: What?! Is he hurt?!

Nana: Momo calm down I doubt Shun is hurt, remember he indestructible and can instantly heal

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Nana: Momo calm down I doubt Shun is hurt, remember he indestructible and can instantly heal.

Yami: Unfortunately that indestructiblity is slowly beginning to kill him from the inside.

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