1. Pericings

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"Dylan "




"So you can hear me but just choose to ignore me?" Hadley quirks her eyebrow at me.

"What do you think?" I fake smile at her. She rolls her eyes

"I just wanted to know if you wanna go get a piercing with me, " she smiles. What a mood change.

It's my turn to roll my eyes. She's been asking me if I wanna go with her for the past week to which I reply with no each time. Besides, how am I going to look with a piercing? And what am I going to get? What if it gets infected?

All these questions were going through my head as my older sister stood there waiting for and answer with an enormous smile on her perfectly make-upped face.

"Fine, what the hell, " I sigh and turn in my chair as she squealed and exits my room .

It won't really hurt would it???


It did hurt. But not as much as Hadley's, she had her nipple pierced for some unknown reason, like wtf? Why?

I got a neck piercing, I'm not sure what you actually call it but it's pretty cool, I just have to make sure my hair doesn't get tangled in it or ouch. I just have to clean it with some anti-bacterial shit or something 3 times a day and I'll be able to change the bar in 6 weeks.

When Stratton sees this, his going to freak. He definitely won't like it,so that means 1 point for Dylan.

See Stratton is my twin brother, his a fucking cocky jerk just because his the captain of the football team, like we know, now shut the fuck up.

I'm Dylan and no, I'm not a guy. Dylan is a unisex name btw. So basically I'm the invisible one between the siblings, like Dave and James Franco's other brother, Theo I think?

My sister Hadley was the cheerleading captain so everyone knew her, she graduated 3 years ago but helps coach the cheerleaders at our school.

And You already know about Stratton, but like I said, I'm the invisible one, most people don't know who I am or that I'm Stratton's twin. One of the girls in my maths class came up to my desk and asked "How is someone like you related to someone like him?" And when she said 'him' she turned around and bit her lip ,eye-raping my brother and he caught her and called her over.

I just rolled my eyes muttering an "I ask myself that everyday" before continuing with my work.

Right now I just got out of the bath cause the guy at the piercing parlor said too not put a lot of pressure on it for like a week so that meant bathing for the next few days which I am totally cool with tbh.

I pulled on my PJ's before slipping down to the kitchen in search of a snack . As I was looking through the top cupboards, while standing on the counter cause I can I heard a voice coming towards the door . Recognising it as Stratton's, I rolled my eyes and continued to search.

When I realized he was talking to someone else I quickly tried to close the cupboard and get down but because of my bad luck I slipped and fell just as Stratton came in. He snickered and told the person he was on the phone with that he has to go.

Omw good, imagine if he had brought someone from the football team with him home and I'm lying on the floor like a starfish. I would be the laughed stock of the whole school.

I sighed and got up going to the fridge and opened it looking for some chocolate milk. I heard Stratton's foot steps walk past me purposefully nudging me. But then it stopped and turned and came to stand right next to me, staring at me .

"What? " I asked annoyed. I knew what.

"What the fuck it that?! When did you get a piercing, let alone a neck piercing?!" He freaked. I knew he wouldn't like it. I also knew he saw it.

"Why does it matter? It's just a piercing. " I shrugged. I took the chocolate milk and some Reece's pieces I found and headed up to my room finding my sister in my room.

"Can I help you?" I asked, sitting down at my computer and pulling up tumblr.

"Yea, can I borrow some lip blam? I left mine at some Jake's house, " she asked sweetly.

"Sure" I say reaching into my drawer and pulling out my lip balm.

You may think of my sister as a slut but she's not who she seems to be. She's just a young adult who has needs or so she says. She's a sweetheart actually and in some ways I look up to her.

"Thanks" she says as she puckered her lips and smiled leaving my room with her crop top and booty shorts.

Sometimes I wish I had her coincidence.

Stratton and Dylan on the side/top. They're played my Lucky Blue and Pyper America Smith .

Hi so this is my first story and I hope you like it x
Do what you must I guess.
Nick x

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