4. Four days.

10 1 2

Dylan POV

No no no no no no no!

This can't be happening!

Why? How?

How can something so cruel happen too someone so sweet?

I making my way down the stairs angry at myself and the person who did this.

I see Stratton standing next to the front door, holding a sleepy Piper in his arms. His eyes were puffy and red like mine but I didn't say anything, neither did he.

I made my way out getting into the family car and waited. In the time all I could think about was how hurt she must be, her broken body laying lifeless on the hospital bed .

I shook the thoughts out of my head and wiped my eyes as soon as I saw Stratton getting in , with a bit of struggle but he didn't ask for any help.

Piper saw my wet cheeks and crawled over onto my lap, before hugging me whispering "don't cry " at that moment I couldn't help but to cry, not only cause of Hadley , but also because here sat a 3 year old girl telling me not to cry. If that doesn't break your heart, I don't know what will.

As I sobbed onto the tiny shoulder of my new sister, her rubbing my back ,I couldn't help but think that my world had just come crumbling down.

As my mum and dad climbed in and started the car I let go on Piper and she frowned wiping my tears. "You're too pretty to cry" she said breaking the silence . I couldn't help but notice Stratton crack a small smile while watching us.

I kissed her cheek and put her in the seat next to me buckling her up then doing so for myself. In no time we arrived at the hospital. And asked to see her

We couldn't . She was in surgery. They were trying to save her life.

So we had to sit in the waiting room. We sat there for 3 hours before my dad said he had to go get ready for work but that he'll be back. My mum had to go home with him for some reason,I wasn't listening. They took Stratton and Piper with them. Piper because she needed to sleep on a proper bed and Stratton went to get his car so we'll have a way home. He was back in no time with a change of clothes on and a duffle bag.

I threw the bag at my feet . " go change, I'll call you if the doctor comes " I nodded and grabbed the back, making my way to the bathroom . Inside were one of his hoodies, a pair of my tights , my face cloth and toothpaste and toothbrush.

I quickly changed, and brushed my teeth and washed my face. As I exited , Stratton was standing there . "The nurse said we could go see her now, it's up this way. " I nodded, pocketing my phone as he took the duffle bag as followed him.

We stopped outside a room G144 and he took a deep breath before twisting the handle. We both braced ourselves before going inside .

I couldn't help but let out a gasp at my broken sister in front of me. As much as I tried, I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

She lay there connected to so many machines, wires coming out of everywhere. She had a bandage wrapped around her head and a brace around her neck. She had a cast around her entire left leg and her left arm. And beside that she had bruises and cuts all over her body, especially her face. Oh her pretty face.

I couldn't look at her like this anymore so I just turned around and went to sit in the hallway.

Way to start the weekend.


Its been 4 days and she hasn't woken up yet. Four.

All I can bring myself to do is stare at my ceiling. I can't eat, sleep or talk not knowing if Hadley will ever wake up.

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