Chapter 10: The Sisterhood of Inkwell

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"Yes, I did" i said. "How about we go outside to see what that was" Dot suggested. "That a plan" Liz said. Then we agreed. We met outside. "Now let's see, where did the crash come from" Liz asked. "I scanned the area a few minutes ago. It seems to come from the buildings up high" Dot said. "Before we go, we have information to clarity".

We looked back at Peko. Peko had her ways. "You heard me, information we need to clarity. A possible chance it can be a Demon. If a demon caused that crash, it can be an another murder" Peko said, "plus the windows at the school, shows the evidence". Then I stared back at Dot, who was still researching in her head. "Your right about that. The question you asked in school, What is something common in each murder? I believe I can answer that question" Dot said.

"How come" Katsuki said. "Have you noticed the windows. It must mean that the demon has a weakness" Dot explained. "Have I told you that The demons Weakness. The anything that has to do with glass, otherwise their refection" Libra said. "So glass... All the windows are broken, in each and every murder!" Sea shouted. "I guess we need to tell the info to the detectives" Liz said. There was one mystery we solved. In the total, we need to solve 4 more mysteries.

11 airlines

It took us not long enough to find the detectives. "Hey sir" I said. He looked at me. "What" he said. "We have some important information to share" I said, with a determined look. "Hey, what's up, did you find anything" Another detective said. "For what I'm hearing, these Inkwell students have important information about what we searching" The main detective said. "Okay, we are bringing you kids with us" That one detective said.

"I accept" I said. Then it took a few minutes. Then we found ourselves sitting down. "So what is the information you guys have" he asked us. I knew he was recording the scene. "We found out that the murder is a demon. I think the weakness is something with their refection— Glass" Libra explained. "So what all the murders have in common, is the windows. All the windows in the area are broken. So there might be a chance it's 89% A Demon than an actual person" Liz said.

Then i sat there, speechless. When they covered all the information, I knew they were going to tell us that there was more to it. I stared at Peko who was sitting a few inches away from me. "I think, we should tell them Peko" I said, while staring at Peko. "I guess so, since it's necessary" Peko said, standing up. "Wait?! What are you talking about?!" Katsuki overreacted. "Yeah, What are you talking about?" Sea asked. "The same question, kinda.." Libra said.

Then me and Peko looked at each other. "Okay, but be warned. Certainly this demon, his name is Gong. I believe that he is the one who's murdering those people. I have no doubt that another thing they have in common is the symbol on the hand. Have you looked in the victims hand" I said. The main detective looked at the papers near him. He looked closely to them. "Your right. As the devils daughter predictions, I never expected you to be that smart" he said. "I have to work hard to convince people, I'm not what they see. That little douche bag" I said, looking at Peko, waiting for her to explain more.

"Unfortunately, I cant reveal much of How I found out, but I can reveal what I found out. So me and Lily, were talking when we met each other on Sunday. I asked her what was going on lately. then she showed me what she was searching. 'Edna Shirogane'. Obviously, I didn't know what was going on. Until she told me. She had met this person named: Eileen Haren. The shadow of Edna Shirogane" Peko explained.

  *Lance- Obviously, I don't need to explain what Peko said because, it's a flashback of chapter 8*

   Then the shock our friends face, appeared. "What the fridge! This was the information we were dying to know. Why did you hide it" Liz shouted. "We both decided to keep the information private until the right time to reveal it" Peko said. "You have a point. If we reveal the information to early, the demon might come for you girls" the detective said. "That's what we thought" Peko added.

Slices down the path

After we came out, we had a lot of people go to us and asking us questions. One of them was: "How did you find out about this". And another one was: "How do you know about the demon symbol". I looked down at my arm. I was totally not ready to reveal it. With my brothers haunting, he didn't reveal it. Should I keep personal too? Libra knew I was uncomfortable, so she said: "Just, something personal is going on with her". I thanked her. Then the inkwell police came towards our direction. "Inkwell fellows, get 10 feet apart, they need their space" one policeman said.

"Where did they some from—", "I called them" Liz said. "Woah, what a rich girl" Libra said. Then we kept walking, ignoring the situation. But me, I still had something in my mind. Didn't the book say that Zalgo's enemy was the creepypasta? Yeah I'm pretty sure at least. But there was something I really need to check, like really. So I told my friends. "Girls, I think there is one thing I need to check for myself".

"If it's in Nightfire, do it, but be careful" Katsuki said. "Yeah, be careful" Sea said. "I am" I blinked then looked away, to head my way to Nightfire. Sea and Katsuki stared at me while them walking to their destination. I remember that Sea gave a homemade headband. I kept walking to Nightfire.

I looked around to see what I missed. I glimpse something really, really strange. I walked towards it. Then once I did, something came up to me from behind. "Watch our" I heard somebody shout and then threw the monster back. Through the ink, there was Katsuki. And the pure others. "Wow thanks" I said. "That was a f'n close call" Libra said. "I know, plus you could've died. Why did you come here" Sea said. "She has her own reasons. Tell me are you the ultimate Detective, but later on. Right now how's not the time" Peko said. I smiled.

"Now with the inkwell friends. To the sisterhood of inkwell, we promise to bring ourselves up to tragedy." Me and the sisterhood shouted.

"This might be a little messy" I whispered in determination..

Wattpad: DaReelLance
Discord: Bubble pop#5852

Time took: 2 days

Inkwell friends // book 1 of Inkwell Serenity  // ReMaKEWhere stories live. Discover now