Chocolate (4)

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If you've ever watched Weeds than you know who he is(; Silas on left and Zach on right..

"Oh great. My favorite foods, chicken hibachi and sushi." I tell Dillon "It all looks delicious."

"It's my favorite food as well haha, too bad I didn't cook it."

"You didn't cook it?, then who did?" I ask grinning at him

"I can't cook to save my life, Silas and Zach made it. I know it's sad, but I can bake!"

That's great and very sexy, I think to myself.

"Well tell them I said thanks." I tell him digging into the food.

We finish up the delicious meal with a couple of small chats and with a couple of comfortably silent moments.

"Come on, lets find a movie to watch." He says smirking at me getting up from the table.

"Okay, what movie?" I ask half smiling.

"I don't know we'll chose it when we sit down"

"Okay." I say calmly. I'm hoping something nice happens.

We sit down in his very comfy home theater and end up chosing Revenge of the Bridesmaids some how.

"I'll be back." He whispers while playing with my hair.

He comes back with my favorite candy ever, filled twizzlers.

"Oh my gosh! These are my favorite!"

"They're my favorite too."

We enjoy the rest of the movie together until it ends. He doesn't even do that cliche thing when the guy wraps is arm around your neck, which is odd. The movie ended and we just sat there in an awkward silence.

"What time is it?" I ask him breaking the silence.


"Well I think I might need to start getting home."

"Yea, sure let's go."

He grabs his keys and we get going. We sit in the car in silence. Why does he never say anything to start a conversation? I ask myself feeling as if I've made him uncomfortable. He's so awkward but cute and handsome and mysterious at the same time. We had an amazing time chatting with each other at the table. The way he kept randomly staring me down at certain points, was weird yet, nice.

*Dillon's POV*

Man this is so weird, every other girl I've gone out with, I've made some sort of move on her mainly because I just wasn't nervous, but with Noalani it's different. She makes me nervous. She's so stunning it just does something to me, I just want to love her.

When we get to her apartment door. I just stand there staring her up and down. Then I just stare her dead in her eyes. They look perfect in this lighting. How is she so perfect? It's unreal. Her smooth voice, it's at a perfect octave. Her tight, toned body and her exotic, erotic chocolaty skin. I grab her hands and lean in to whisper in her ear.

*Noalani's POV*

We just stand outside my apartment staring each other down. The shadow from the lights on his face and the darkness behind him just bring out his perfect features more. I feel like I already love him and we've only known each other for like 3 days. He grabs my hands and my heart starts beating faster and faster.

"I honestly had a nice time tonight, sorry for those weird awkward moments and what not. I'm usually never like this." He whispers in my ear for some reason and when he pulls back he's blushing.

I giggle "Haha, it's okay, Dillon, it didn't really bother me." I lie because it bothered the crap out of me, but now I know he actually did have a nice time. "Thank you for tonight."

I look Dillon deep in his eyes and I just felt tingles all over my body. I really wanted to just kiss his full, plump pink lips but I didn't want to end up taking things too fast. So instead of kissing him I just reached up and gave him a tight hug and he returned the favor. It just felt so nice and I was lost in the moment. If this what it's like just when I hug him, I can't imagine how it would be if I kissed him. In the middle of this moment, I was rudely interrupted by my dogs.

"Sugar Honey Ice Tea." I mutter under my breath and unlock the door to see what's going on and see that while Anastasia and Reginae where playing just dance, the controller flew out of her hand, hit Rolo and it startled him.

"Oohhhhhh, hi you two! How was it?" they ask.

Dillon answers and says it was amazing and that he had a great time. Staring me up and down again. I love it when he does that, it some what turns me on. I grin wide at him and squeezes his my hand winks and smirks back.

It's odd how he makes all these seductive gestures but can't make an actual move, but whatever.

"Well goodnight, Lani. I guess I will see you soon."

"Yes you will, Dillon. Goodnight."

"Bye Dillon!" Anastasia and Reginae shout and he waves back.

"So what's going on between you two? Are yall dating yet?" Reginae asks me.

I feel my face getting hot and quickly say no, not yet. We just met.

"Wow, so how far did y'all go?" they both ask me with a wink.

"Not far at all."

"Seriously?! I saw the way he was looking at you. It seemed as you had just had some passionate sex with each other."

"Yea. Well I wish." I tell them disappointed. "Well i'm gonna get to sleep now, don't make too much ruckus down here."

I go brush my teeth and think about how tonight played out. It played out a lot differently than I thought. I honestly thought he would've had me in bed right after the movie, which is basically how it ends up with every other guy I date. But they've all been man whores, Dillon's different.

*Dillon's POV*

"So how was it? Did she love our food?" Silas and Zach ask while playing Assassins Creed

"Yes, we loved it. It was great."

"How far did you two get?" Silas asks

"Yea, did you finally go further than oral?" Zach adds.

"No, we didn't even get close to oral."

"So it was a blow?" Zach asks

No, it was no where near a blow. I had a great time guys, ha, it's not like she was a booty call.

"Oh, okay so you two are more than friends now though, right?" Silas asks

"No, not yet. We just met. I was being friendly. But I'm not letting her slip away, I really want her."

I hear Zach mumble damn under his breath. I saw the way he was staring at Lani earlier, I could tell he was mentally undressing her. It's expected of him which is why I kept their conversation with each other short.

"Well I'll see you later guys, I'll be up in my room."

I get ready for bed and when I finally lay down I think about our night. I legitimately enjoyed tonight, mainly because she didn't want to get me in bed all night, like past girls I've invited over. She has a genuine personality, which I love the most about her. I text her goodnight, sweet dreams, and go to sleep feeling great.

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