Chocolate (16)

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*This chapter contains Mature Content*

I wake up the next morning and go take a quick, hot shower, leaving Dillon peacefully sleeping. He looks so calm when he sleeps.

When I get in the shower I can't stop thinking about how I could possibly be pregnant, at the age of 25, by a guy that's 27 that I met almost a whole year ago. It's all my fault. Tears start streaming down my face but I quickly stop crying and reassure myself. I'm probably not even pregnant, I don't know for sure, my period is only one day late so I'm not going to stress about this, no.

I turn off the shower, wrap my body in a towel and get out to see Dillon brushing his teeth, looking sexy as hell like always.

"Goodmorning! How'd you sleep?" I ask him looking down so he can't tell I was crying.

"Goodmorning, I slept great. How'd you sleep?" he asks with toothpaste all over his mouth. He's so messy.

"I slept great as well" I make my way out into the room rummaging through my suitcase looking for something to wear.

"Come here." Dillon demands.

"What?" I ask

"Come here." he tells me taking off his shirt exposing his perfect chest and abs.

"Okay..." I walk back over to Dillon and he pulls my chin up and stares me in the eyes.

"What's wrong, why were you crying?" he asks me, his cool, minty breath fanning my face.

"I- I wasn't crying, I just got soap in my eye." I stutter.

"Okay. Why is your voice so shakey?" He asks me scrunching up his eyebrows. Of course he can tell I was crying, he always knows when something is wrong. I'm not going to tell him the truth until I have an actual answer.

"I don't know, it's pretty early." I tell him as he plays with my hair, still staring deep into my eyes.

He wraps his arms around me giving me a tight hug "Look, I know you're lying but I'm not going to force an answer out of you right now, but you're going to tell me what's wrong sooner or later. Okay?" he whispers in my ear.

"All right." I tell him with a forced smile on my face.

While Dillon is in the shower I put on some underwear and lotion then find some black lace shorts and a maroon shirt. Dillon walks out of the bathroom already dressed wearing some baggyish black skinny jeans and a plain, white t-shirt.

"So, our plane leaves at 12:15." Dillon tells me checking his phone.

"Okay! Well, let's go back to my parents house and check on my sisters and stuff because I'm almost positive my parents aren't going to be back until about midnight, they always go somewhere random after they have a party and stuff." I tell him putting on some lace black Keds.


We pack up all of our things, check out of the hotel, grab some breakfast, and arrive at my parents house at 11:30. When we get there there is no trash outside in the front, good. They cleaned up well. I unlock the door and as I am walking in I am greeted by a cute, young light-skinned boy and Destiny.

"Hey, who is this?" I ask holding Dillon's hand, smiling at the boy.

"I'm Marcus, Destiny's boyfriend." he tells me with a smirk on his face, looking me up and down.

"Well it's nice to meet you" I tell him.

"So what are yall doing here?" Destiny asks eyeing us.

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