Swirl (12)

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The pic isn't Dillon, I just thought this guy was really freaking cute so I decided to use it, it's pretty irrelevant.

"So, you're Dillon." I hear a low voice say behind me. I slowly turn around coming face to face with him.

"Yes I am, and you are?" I ask him even though I knew who he was.

"You should already know. I'm Nate, of course. Noalani's boyfriend."

It really angered me to hear someone else call Noalani their own. She's my girlfriend and only mine.

"Are you sure about that? Last time I checked she was my girlfriend." I tell him pretending to be confused.

"What? No. She's mine and only mine. There's no way she's your girlfriend, Dillon. You see, I've been watching you two and have noticed how close you two have gotten and I don't like it. So I'm giving you an opportunity right now to end the relationship you think you're in right now. So call her and tell her it's over between you two."

"She's told you that the two of you were no longer in a relationship. I don't think Noalani and I are in a relationship I know we're in a relationship. I'm not going to call her to break up with her because you told me to." I tell him glaring at him. He really is crazy.

He pins me up against my car, I don't fight back and he gets in my face "You know what? Do whatever makes you happy just know that I'll be watching the both of you very closely so watch your back, I'm after..."

Before he finishes what he has to say I swipe his legs from under causing him to fall on his back and from there I hold him down with my foot on his chest. "I am going to do what makes me happy, Nate, wether you like it or not. Dont bother me or Noalani. I will hurt you, so don't try to pull anything on either of us."

I get in my car and speed off immediately replaying what happened in my mind. I really wanted to just attack him for what he's done to Noalani but I had to refrain. He could've had a knife or a gun, and if I would've hit him once I probably would've never stopped, and just, it probably would've ended badly.

When I get home I play with my doggy, Que, to get things off my mind. Tonight never happened. I'm not telling Noalani.

I go upstairs to my room and take a bubble bath just because. I get out, dry myself off and grab a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and go to sleep.

When I wake up the next morning, I've got a strong craving for her. I need to hear her voice. The first attempt to call her, she doesn't answer, so I call her again.

"Mmmm good morning, Dillon." she says sleepily through the phone.

"Morning girl, how are you this morning?"

"Great. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept okay. How about you?"

"Same here. It's really hot in here."

"Really? You probably would've slept better if I were with you. What are you wearing? Take it off girl." I tell her in a seductive tone.

"Stop. You sound like a fuck-boy Dillon. I'm coming back this afternoon so I'll see you at work. I've gotta get ready before Matt get's annoyed, you know how he is."

"Hahaha, that's great. You go, I'll see you later then, bye." It was worth a shot.

I get up from bed and get ready for work, it's gonna be my first day as a boss. This should be fun.

When I get to work I start moving my stuff from my old work area to my new office and I already have my name engraved in a name plate for me.

When I finish getting my stuff in order, I hear a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in." In walks Noalani, her face glowing like always with that gorgeous smile of hers across her face. I get up to go and hug her.

"Hey baby" I tell her smiling wide.

"Hi Dillon! I've missed you. I got you a gift!"

She's so sweet. Thanks when I open the bag the I pull out a small box with gucci across the top and inside is a black, I-gucci watch.

"Whoa no need for you to get me this girl."

"I felt like it, so I did! You never know what time it is so, yeah!"

"Well that was sweet of you, baby, thank you so much. I love you." I say leaning down to kiss her.

"I love you too." she says as I am leaning down to kiss her but before I lips touch, we are interrupted by hard a knock on the door.

"Mr. Radbourne? May I come in?" a loud voice says on the other side.

"Yes, sure come in!" I say quickly but disappointed.

"Come by my work area when you're free, I've gotta ask you something." she tells me smiling big, walking out.


Later on after I've finished filing some papers and getting things organized for myself, and it's nearly everyone's left. I grab my things and head over to Noalani's work area.

"Hello, Noalani."

"Hello, Mr. Radbourne." she tells me back and it just send shivers all throughout my body.

"Mmm-Mmm, so what did you need to ask me?" I ask her smirking.

"Well, my mom called earlier inviting me to a dinner party at her place over in Birmingham and I was just wondering if you'd like to, you know, be my date?"

"Well...sure. When?"

"This weekend!"

"So, the day after tomorrow?"


"Great. Well it's about 10:30 now, grab your stuff and let's get going." I tell her.

When she finishes getting her things together, I follow behind her. When we get to her car I turn her around to face me and pin her to her car.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear.

"Mmmmm, I love you too" she whispers back.

I lean down and kiss her soft, plump lips. They're so intoxicating. She starts to run her hands through my hair, arching her back. She turns me on so much. Then she pulls away all of a sudden.

"Well that was nice" she says out of breath.

"It really was." I tell her.

"Time for me to get home. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight and sweet dreams."


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