Chapter 2: The Conversation

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As the crowd cheered Princess maria catches a glimpse of Princess Adeline. An expression of disgust and fear clear on her features. she was obviously not informed of this development. Maria felt an odd sense of sympathy for the other princess. They had always had a rocky relationship from the few times they had encountered each other. Though the thought of having to spend near eternity with her harsh brother was a fate she wouldn't wish upon most. She got up from her seat to leave. The chattering continued and people got up for food and drink. The air buzzed along with the thrum of the orchestra playing a joyful yet serene song. The people danced while being served delicacies. The waiters who seemingly glide through the masses. She watched as her brother slipped though the grand doors. A flash of concern bolted though her thoughts but quickly dissipated. Whatever he had planned was no concern of hers'.

Two days pass and Maria was sitting under her favorite tree painting the day lilies she saw by the pond near her when she saw princess Adeline. Confusion warped her usually calm features. Wasn't the wedding tomorrow shouldn't she be trying on her dress? She thought back to the last few days. Their limited interactions had become more frequent, often the other princess being agitated and fidgety. Whenever maria had brought up the wedding Adeline had quickly shut off.

"Adeline!" the young princess stopped and looked at maria. slowly walking closer. maria patted the ground next to her as a motion to sit down. The other looked as if she was debating whether to ignore or humor maria. After a moment she decided it wasn't worth her energy to ignore the other. she slumped on the ground and sighed. Maria stays quiet knowing that Adaline will talk if she wants to. Eventually she starts though slowly and hesitantly. Her shoulders tense. with hesitation she breathes out the start of her explanation.

"so you know how I'm supposed to marry your brother?" maria nods and adds another stroke onto the petal of her day lilies.

"Well... I-". she cuts herself off. Anxiety warping her expressions. she plucks at the grass in a form of comfort.

"I don't want too" her eyes well up with tears. The days' worth of anxiety fear and guilt bubbling to the surface. maria nods thoughtfully. Once again sympathy clenches at maria's heart as the waves of uncertainty and fear spill from the other. Maria bites her lip.

"I- I understand your feelings of uncertainty... the thought of being bound to a man such as my brother is not the most... pleasant". Her words are careful, testing the other's reactions. Adaline nods and slumps her back against the tree. Exhausted from the last few days' mental strain. Adaline hides behind her messy caramel hair. She mumbles something maria cannot here.

"Did you say something?" maria's eyebrows furrow as she strains to hear what the other had said". The other repeated her sentence but once again maria couldn't hear a word.

"huh?" Maria's face twisted in confusion. the caramel haired girl threw up her arms and finally shouted

"I like girls all right!! I've liked them for a long time, and I know my moms are going to be ok with it they are lesbian after all I was going to tell them after the gala but now, I'm marrying this weird guy that I've never met!" the princess is rambling and on the verge of tears. Maria sets down her painting and wraps her arms around the girl. Her heart throbbing for the other.

"what's that journal?" Adeline sniffles. Her eyes glossy with held back tears. Maria pulls the journal out from under her skirt. Her movements hesitant. Should she really show the other this journal? She herself had only skimmed the surface of this seemingly endless well of information. Even with the few pages she had read the persons handwriting was atrocious. She spent hours trying to decipher only a few sentences. Eventually the thought of the others disappointment if she lied outweighed the risk. She was only human after all.

"Its... it's a journal I found, I believe it belongs to someone who had witnessed the fall" Adeline's eyes widen and lip's part. Shock rippling through her as her mind processed this information.

"t-that's impossible" her tone and mannerisms doubtful. Maria scoffed offended by the notion that the other suspected she had lied.

"it's very much real, and I can show you look" she opened the journal carefully to not rip the old, weathered paper revealing the messy writing of the unknown author. She flipped to the page describing the fall. As she read Adeline leaned closer and closer to get a better look, fascinated by the stranger's knowledge. "They have named this global tragedy, the fall." As she finished the final sentence of the entry Adeline's tears were dried and forgotten. Entranced as maria was in this stranger's thoughts, the sun was dipping below the Elvin mountains. People may be getting worried for the two.

"As much as I would adore reading this with you more, we must return inside. The others must be worried" maria sighed as she said this knowing that as soon as they entered the palace Adeline and she would be bombarded with queries of their whereabouts. Let alone the fact Adeline had avoided trying on her dress for the wedding. Right... the wedding. As much as she wished for the kingdoms to be united forcing this reunion would only cause more tension. not only that the other simply didn't... swing that way. "Are- are you alright?" maria snapped back into reality. Adeline's soft voice pulling her back from her thoughts.

"... actually, I don't believe we will be going back into that palace" maria's voice was firm. "w-what do you mean?" maria had come to a decision. "We aren't returning, to stay at least" the other furrowed her eyebrows, trying to make sense of what the other was saying. "We are going to find the author of this journal." 

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