Splash (6th Chapter)

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... Melody's P.O.V.....

"This is Liam,Niall And Louis." They look at me uncomfortably, clearly because i sounded like an ice queen. I lift my hand to shake each ones', while i smile at them. "This is Melody, my boss' daughter." They nod, and i admire their looks. Each one of them looks attractive, in their own unique features. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but i need to catch color before tonight. Did my dad or Albert inform you Harry?" He nods his head, clearly still trying to process my mood change and attitude.

"I'll be helping Al in greeting guest." He informs me and his friends look at us. They clearly look entertained by our conversation. "Oh well, we better leave you to bathe under the sun. Harry ends the conversation, and guides his friends to the guesthouse. I go back to my bronzing process, and sigh in order to breathe out all negative energy. Afraid, i jump up from my seat immediately, while a dragonfly tries to hover around me. Damn it! I shouldn't have used my honey lotion. I keep stepping backwards, until i slip in the pool unconditionally.

I rise out of the pool, gasping for air, while another thud is rippling in the pool. I turn around in the pool, standing on my feet as i see a swimmer approaching me in speed. Once he reaches me, he wipes his eyes, and stares at me in complete worry. I have no words to describe gow good he looks right now. His long hair is sticking in different directions, his lights are glowing in a light shade of neon green, and his bare abdomen is exposing the black ink that i never knew of existence. He approaches me closer, leaving minimal inches between us, as the water ripples form around us.

He outstands me by placing his hand gently on my shoulder, while the water droplets cascade down his face, and all over his body. (His voice dries my lungs from its appealing tone.) Are you okay?" I open my mouth to talk, but nothing comes out. I nod once, and i find him stepping closer to me. "What happened?" His voice sends a thrill all over my veins, as his hand fires my entire shoulder. "(I stutter nervously) I-um... there w-was this... (I clear my vocals) There was a dragonfly, and i sort of have phobia from insects... I fell into the pool, while i was backing away from my seat." He nods, and keeps his hand softly on my shoulder, as i enjoy watching his chest rising and falling, from his breathing process.

Suddenly, his friends show up and they stare at us in silence. Harry notices their shadows above us, so he snaps his hand off of my shoulder, and swims back. He climbs up from the fool and i find myself laughing at his feet. His Vans shoes are all soaked, and so are his summer shoes. He notices me laugh, and astonishes me by making his dimples appear. He has dimples!? Ugh, stop thinking of him in this way dumb-dumb! Liam, as i recall, reaches his hand for me to help me climb up the pool. I grab it, and once I am out I thank him. I look down at my feet and laugh even harder when i notice that my wedges are also still on.

Niall and Louis laugh at the scene as well, and they follow Harry to the guesthouse. I wipe my figure with a towel and decide that this is enough sunbathing for today. I have a tanning cream and a bronzer that will work just fine. As i walk out of the pool, and i reach back to my room; i sigh largely. Not annoyingly, but confusingly. The scene of Harry and I in the pool, is still replaying, and i can't argue that it vibrates my entire system with warm chills. He looked so caring and worried, not like he usually is. If he stays like this, maybe his name will suit him after all.


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