It's You and Me, Kid - 14

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"So, boyfriends? You're not a kid anymore, huh, kid?" He nudged Ginny and she responded with a 'mm.' He turned to me "I can tell you really like that Marcus kid, Y/n. He got so nervous, it was kinda funny." I smiled and started walking towards the house. "Hunter was funny, 'yes sir, no sir, hi Mr. Miller'" I made little hand motions as I spoke and Ginny looked steamed. She couldn't say anything, though, because Marcus jogged over from across the street. "Nice runnin' engine!" My twin still looked pissed from earlier, but she ignored that as she grinned weirdly at Marcus. She walked over to him in a lanky way, "Hey Marcus," she said. "Nice to see you," as if she hadn't seen him earlier. He gave her a sharp and quick nod and looked to me. She ran her hand down his arm, making him move it. Zion looked between them with an odd expression.

"So that's how you knew how to ride." Marcus spoke to Ginny, with a weak show of his teeth that you really couldn't call a smile. She nodded. "Zion!" Austin came running from the house to him and he picked him up into a hug. "Hey, little man!" My family kept talking as I walked away with Marcus. "That sister of yours is the worst."

"I know. But, maybe you could try getting to know her? I can't stand her sometimes either, but I kind of want you to get along with my family too. I want them to like you." 

"Yeah, but I think she likes me too much." I nodded, "She's usually creepy, honestly. To everyone. " He chuckled a bit before I finished, "Maybe you could just be standardly civil? Like you just were." He pulled his hands out of his pocket and responded. "Okay, yeah. I'll try." I beamed at him and kissed him on the cheek as we continued to walk to the end of the street. "Anyway, Bracia invited me to a party tonight." 

"A party?" I replied yes and kept walking, linking our arms. "So...?" He stared at me quizzically. "Do you wanna come, or?" I saw an 'oh' moment going on in his head, with his mouth slightly open. "Sorry, I didn't realize I was invited. Yeah, sure. Is your sister going?" I shook my head, "Preferably not. Why?" He answered, "I asked because I'll get in trouble if I don't invite Maxine and she throws a fit when I leave. But I didn't want to be a dick and invite someone who's not invited." I shook my head in response. "It's fine. Bracia said they could come. My sister, yours, and their friends, I mean." We turned back around as we reached the end of the street. "Okay, I'd love to then." I said 'okay' as he leaned closer to me. "I probably gotta clean my room first, though. Don't you have to write an essay?" I nodded to agree. "See ya later neighbor." I unlinked with him and he jogged across the street. As I walked in the house, I heard Ginny talking to our father. 

"So, Dad, I'm in AP English, and we're doing this essay contest thing, uh, about where we feel we most belong, and I'm gonna write mine on Wellsbury." Suck up. "You like it here then?" Austin exclaimed then, "And I stabbed someone in the hand!" Zion said okay and I shook my head. I whispered in Austin's ear, "Remember what we said about appropriate conversation?" He nodded and whispered a 'Yes, Y/n' and switched the conversation topic. "Can we do a blanket fort tonight?" "Mom's dating someone." They contined to bombard Zion with random things and I sighed, going upstairs. Whenever he showed up, everyone tried to tell him as much as they could get out before he left again. I didn't see the point. I grabbed my Macbook and came back down the sitairs. Writing at the kitchen table was somewhat helpful to me at times. Mom and Zion were at the table as well, talking, as I decided what I should type about. I pushed in my airpods. I decided on writing about Austin. I felt as though I belonged with him and him with me, even if that sounded cringey. 

I was about to illustrate the car crash for dramatic effect in the first paragraph when Zion started speaking, seeming to not notice me sitting next to him. "So, what's the deal with Ginny and that boy across the street?" Mom checked to see if I was listening and I pushed my airpods in deeper so she wouldn't know that I hadn't turned anything on yet and was most definitely listening. "Who, Marcus?" He nodded and moved his hand around in little motions on the table. "I picked up a vibe. I think there's something going on there." Mom walked to the fridge and got a water out, placing it on the table. "What? You have no clue. She's got her first boyfriend. They're adorable." He nodded yes again, "Yeah, Hunter. I met him too."

"If something was happening with Ginny and Marcus, I'd know. And y/n is dating Marcus. How'd you get this idea, anyway? From Marcus?" He shrugged, "No, from Ginny. It's one-sided, but theres definitely one side. If you say theres nothing going on, though, I believe you." They continued on with their conversation and I decided I couldn't sit there anymore. Not only did he just say there was something going on between my boyfriend and my sister, but he started flirting with my mom too. Dumb raquelle. Dumb Ginny. Whatever. I got up and went to my room, making Zion turn around. I heard him whisper-ask my mom if I had heard anything, but didn't hear the response as I was in my room. I texted my mom to ask if I could go to the party. She said I could, but Ginny had to go and I had to finish my essay. I suppressed my emotions and drama to continue writing. 

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