Concussed - 17

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(A/N): This chapter is a lot..but anyway, the song I chose describes the emotion fo the chapter kinda and I love Euphoria. I actually wrote this Euphoria-based Harry Potter book and it's in my drafts. Would you guys wanna read it?


"You know, that little bitch was right. This isn't real, or healthy. You were bound to cheat on me at some point, right? That's how you are, Marcus, isn't it? You like seeing me like this, don't you?" He swallowed, a hand going through his hair.

"Y/n, listen to me! That's not what happened, I don't think, at least, but.."

"No, it doesn't matter. And if you were drunk, it doesn't change anything. You know, drunk words are sober thoughts. You've probably wanted to-" He cut me off, "Y/n, please stop! I love you so much, just please let me explain!"

"No. No, just leave! You're not gonna fuck with me like you did to Padma and, honestly, probably Ginny too. I hate you! Get out!" He quietly turned around and walked out, dropping a piece of paper on my floor. I fought the urge to throw it out the window with him and watched as he climbed back down.

I swallowed thickly and grabbed the piece of paper, my hand slightly shaking with anger. I set it down on my desk and took a deep breath, counting to ten. When I gathered myself, I leaned back out of the window. Maybe I should've heard him out. It was super dark outside, though, and I couldn't really spot him. I grabbed my glasses(ignore if you don't have them) and placed them on my face, squinting again into the dark night. Then, I saw a dark, I think male, figure outside on his lawn. Marcus, I believe. But, maybe not, because I then saw him do something odd.

The figure picked up a helmet and put it on, getting on Marcus's motorcycle. "Marcus?" The figure looked up at me; it was Marcus. And he was on a motorcycle he didn't know how to drive. "Marcus?" He looked up again before turning the key and revving up the engine. "Marcus! Get off now!" He pushed down and the motorcycle started moving. "Marcus! Do you hear me? I said, get off, now!" He began driving down the road, way above the speed limit, especially for someone who didn't know how to drive. "Please! Stop!" He kept going, with no care about my anger or his inexperience. I kept yelling as he went further down the road.

But then, he turned off the road. And crashed into the woods. "Marcus!" I grabbed my phone and dashed down the stairs, still in my pajamas. I jumped down the last few and slid across the hall and out the door. Marcus's slides were outside the door and I put them on quickly. I ran faster than I've even on the field during games to him. When I got there, he was bloody and out of it. 

My hands were again shaking as I dialed 911. The rest of the night was a blur as I went with him and his mom to the hospital in the ambulance and people asked me question after question. When I woke up, I was asleep in the hospital chair next to his bed, still holding his frail hand. 

They had to force me to stay in the room, while in hysterics, with the promise that he'd be back after his CAT scan. 

"Are you okay?" I shrugged with a weak glance at Ellen. "He'll be fine, you know. He always is." I shrugged again. "Can we talk about it?" I looked at her with a questioning look, my eyebrows furrowed. "You saw him...crash. Why...How...I understand if you don't wanna talk about it." I shook my head, responding to her, "No, it's fine. I mean, you're sitting here consoling me. He's your son." Marcus's dad smiled at me too. I kept forgetting his name. "It's fine, honestly. In a way, I'm kinda used to him getting into trouble. And as long as he's alive, I'm perfectly fine."

"Um," I fixed my glasses on my face(again ignore if you don't have them, just pretend I wrote blinked), still on from last night. "We, we were fighting. And I.....I kicked him out." My eyes began to get misty again, as I remembered the night before. "He left, but then I felt bad. I was gonna tell him to come back, to hear him out. But he got on the motorcycle. And he.." The tears came out again and I pulled my legs towards my chest as I cried. Ellen's arm went around me and her head laid above mine. "It's okay, let it out." I shook my head, "You-you don't get it. It's-it's my..." I took a breath, "If I hadn't of yelled at him..." She shook her head against mine, still holding me with her firm grip as I cried incessantly. "It's not your fault. He just does silly things sometimes. If anything, you might've saved his life. If you hadn't called when you did, I don't know what would've happened to my little boy."

IT'S COMPLICATED -- MARCUS BAKERWhere stories live. Discover now