Chapter 32- The Reverence

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Reetha met up with Obi-wan right after breakfast. Still groggy but you do what you have to do for the Republic. She had a rushed breakfast with Jex and Scowl then lazily dragged herself to the meeting room. "Ah, Reetha. Thank goodness you've arrived. I thought you might've taken a book from Anakin's page and sleep in late." Obi-wan's quips are always the favourite of the 212th, thus slowly growing on her. "While I would have loved to, I can keep my master waiting." 

Obi-wan laughed and agreed and also admitted that if there was another round of Anakin-ness that he had to live through, he'd retire the Jedi Order. "Anyways, we should begin the mission brief." Reetha nodded and neared the table, "No one else joining us?" 

"No Reetha. This mission requires only us. Cody will be taking over the 212th for now." The older Jedi pressed some switches on the holo-table and a fuzzy light blue holo image sprang up in the middle. A glassed dome city appeared with several ships docking and leaving the external bay. "Is this, Mandalore?" Reetha's eyes lit opened and the sleepiness vanished as excitement took its place. "That is Mandalore's capital city, Sundari." He said with a smile, obviously finding the padawan's gleam somewhat relieving. He didn't want to become the 'boring' master, not that he could ever be anyways. 

"The Dutches of Mandalore has invited us to discuss Mandalore's stand with the Republic. We are going there to represent the Republic." Immediately, a slight worry took over Reetha's features. Stroking his beard Obi-wan allowed a grin on his face. "Oh, don't worry. The Dutches is nothing like Lady Kriya." 

Reetha straightened up with many questions behind her eyes. "You sound like you know her.", she chuckled lightly. The older Jedi simply sighed and shook his head "I do know her." 


Mandalore's bleached white surface reflected the sun's rays making it shimmer and glow like a star going supernova. The first thing Reetha realized was the absence of grass or life on the surface. All activity seemed to be upon the docking bay of the domed structure. She looked at Obi-wan questioningly. "The planet is victim to countless civil wars. This was the result of it. No life was able to flourish after the fires died down. Not even the people could revive the land." A forlorn look fell upon his face as if he could feel the sadness and the pain of the land. 

"Have you seen it before the war?" 

"I have. Once. Just a little though, more like what was left of it." 

Reetha hummed. Her gaze stretched across the vast landscape and there was nothing on the surface, except for the dome. Upon the bay, two Mandalorian guards approached Obi-wan. "The Dutches awaits your presence." 

"Best not to keep her waiting. And Reetha, do hang on." 

The speeder flew across the bay and into a tunnel before blinding lights penetrated Reetha's eyes. She had to squit and try to adjust to the brightness and finally, she could behold the majesty that is Mandalore. The city Sundari burst into life. Tall buildings rose from the ground below. Glass walkways connected the highrises. Elegant gardens only brought in more majesty to the world around her. Reetha gasped and leaned a little on the speeders railing and looked down. Various transports of different sizes zoomed past underneath, leaving unique rings and whooshing sounds as they travelled to their destination. The artificial light gave an angelic glow to the city. If she hadn't known the name, she would have thought it was heaven. 

"Enjoying the view?" Obi-wan asked with a masked smile. "Yeah! I've never seen anything like this." He enjoyed the radiant beam on the girl's face. It was a pleasant change from her sad one the day before. About ten minutes later, the speeder docked at the foot of a magnificent building. The guards led the two down a hallway and Reetha could do nothing but marvel at the architecture within. The grand arches and white marble only added to her fascination with the place. 

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