Chapter 19

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@TheRoyal_Prince: I want to go to school

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@TheRoyal_Prince: I want to go to school.... Do I look good in this uniform that I found in Seoho's closet?


@TheRoyal_Hohoho: THAT'S WHERE IT WENT-

@TheRoyal_Hak: Am I not the only one concerned that he wants to go to hell on earth?

@TheRoyal_Prince: I don't want to go to hell on earth! I want to go to school

@TheRoyal_Hak: School = Hell of Earth

@TheRoyal_Hak: I see no difference

@TheRoyal_Hohoho: What happened to the Geonhak that wants to protect the royal family's image @TheRoyal_Hak

@TheRoyal_Hak: That Geonhak has given up and decided to allow his death to come earlier

@TheRoyal_Hohoho: Stop over reacting- geez

@TheRoyal_Prince: You won't die ok? @TheRoyal_Hak

@TheRoyal_Prince: I won't allow that

@TheRoyal_Hak: 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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