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It's 2021 and yet, monarchy still exists in Korea. Cliché, cliché- I know. The thing with Monarchy is that they want to preserve their family blood line and all their beliefs and practices from the old times.

The royals act all high and mighty, they pass down the throne to the eldest son, they have butlers and slaves and they only use technology from the old times.

Since the modern technology is getting very advanced, every Royal gets their first and only modern technology on their 21st birthday.

"Hey, Seoho!" Prince Youngjo called out to his best friend. "What do you want?" Seoho looked up from his phone and stared at the older. "What's this?" Youngjo took out his own phone that he just got recently for his 21st birthday and pointed at an app.

"That?" Seoho pointed at the app. "That my dear friend is what we call Instagram!" Youngjo hummed. "How does that work?" Seoho smirked at the older. "You should be thankful you have a friend from the modern world, Mister Boomer."

Youngjo glared. "I have no idea what a boomer is as I am not familiar with modern slangs but I have a feeling that you were insulting me." Seoho shook his head with a smirk. "You have so much to learn."

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