Halt's Grave

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Hibernia, Clonmel

A lone figure on a shaggy horse made his way along the road to Cairnhill, burial ground of the Royal Family of Clonmel. I'm hungry, his horse said. "You can crop the grass when we get there," replied Halt. I want an apple, Abelard said. "Come on, Abelard, we're almost there," said Halt, ignoring Abelard. I still want an apple, Abelard replied. "Fine, you can have one when we reach," replied Halt.

Halt dismounted, and, remembering his promise to Abelard, gave him an apple. Halt walked on the footpath to King Ferris's grave. Then, he saw it. It wasn't a footpath. More like a game trail. Halt thought for a while, then curiosity got the better of him and he followed the trail.

He walked on and on. The path wound on for around one to two minutes. Just when Halt was sure that it was just a game trail and was about to turn back, he rounded around some trees and arrived in a clearing with a stone marker on the ground.

Halt had never seen this place before, let alone the trail itself. He went closer to the grave, and saw the name Halt O'Carrick engraved upon its surface. "I never thought I would see my own grave like this," thought Halt. He wondered what was buried there. He stood up and went back along the little trail, leaving the clearing.

After paying his respects to the graves of his family, Halt remounted Abelard and rode off. "Who would have thought that I would be able to see my own grave all filled in?" Halt wondered to Abelard. I want more apples, replied Abelard. "Once we get home, Abelard," replied Halt with a sigh as Abelard trotted off with Halt on his back, returning to Araluen.

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