last chapter?

18 1 0

I woke up slightly refreshed. hmm.. that's weird my alarm didn't go off. I moved Seuki and got up. Once off, i picked the alarm, it should've rang 30minutes ago.. well i can't waste more time staring at it

"awake?" I ask, the moving covers. I'm about ready to go.
"mhm" he's not gonna ask to come with.. ha... of course it's not going to be that easy. At least I've learnt a lot bout his likes and dislikes, hobbies and secrets.
"Miss Quinstin or aunty Karma, if you prefer, will teach you a few things today" I quickly say. I walk over to him and lean in to his face, his eyes are closed what am I doing? This isn't wrong I'd kiss Seuki on the forehead right before work. It's not too far- is it? Maybe it is. I leave

"You are very skilled in your field, yes?" I nod at our inspectors
"Indeed, the management of this hospital is my number two priority" crap!
"Haha we understand you might love something first" i smile at her
"Would you be up for a promotion as Head?" Wow from Seuki being in my arms to and almost promotion, my week is shaping up nicely
"If you don't mind me asking, is there a problem with the current?"
"Have you heard from him?" The man asks
"Neither have we. Anyway think it over, it involves a lot of paperwork and trips" they get up and I follow suit, I bow as they leave.

I sigh relaxing in my chair.
**ring** **ring**
"M-mo-Alex.." He tried, i guess
"Is eveything alright?" A smile resides on my face
"What's 12 times 9?"
"108 dear"
"A-and.." There's a knock at my door
"Could you wait, dear?" The woman for some reason comes back in.
"Could you tell me about your number 1?" I nod, inviting her to be seated.
"That would be my Seuki. Although I'm not fond of how young vampires are treated, he was a gift to me. He was so clingy at first and that worried me.. I spent days, but felt like weeks with him. Haha could say i was hooked" I chuckled. We'll get back there
"I heard, he is distant now. What happened?"
"I think he was poisoned in the orphanage to be more animalistic. I asked for it to be removed, so.."
"That still wouldn't explain a change in behavior would it?"
"He'd previously stated that he was quiet, I'd never seen that side. The consequence of removal was severe amnesia, he wouldn't remember anything after being drugged including me."
"wow.. And you're also one of the few humans fighting for equal rights, why" what's with all these questions. I nodded
"Previously, stated reasons and one of my friends is a vampire, my only love as well. Yes" could she be wired?
"Thank you, that'll be all. Miss" maybe she's friendly?
"Call me Alex. We'll be in touch" she finally leaves. It's clear she was wired.
I pick up my phone
"I'm sorry what were you saying?"
"Can you come?" I get up, grabbing my coat
"Are you hurt?" I walk out, i was fast pacing. And bumped into the inspectors again. I apologize and keep walking
"M-mommy please.. t-to see my colors" is he little?
"I'll be there soon" i hung up.
"Something the matter?" I shook my head, pushing out a fake smile.
"Home issues i must attend, shall i walk you?" Since we're headed in the same direction

I stopped by the mall to get extra art supplies. I even bought a new game he might like.
All in all everything was coming up, Alex. I feel finally happy

"Home early" I thank her for being with Seuki. Although I pay her and she lives here. I'd go back to work. Simply too early to call a day
Making my way to his room, i note the math on the board was of gradient using angles.
"You okay?" I knock before entering his room. There he is sitting and drawing. He doesn't notice me. I look around, definitely my first time entering this place.. He's so talented, i admire artwork and crafts.
"Alex.." Oh. I sit in front of him, careful with the paint and other supplies
"I- I'm sorry" he had his hands between his thighs as he fidgeted.
"What for?" I say confused, what could he have possibly done wrong
"I-I.. ngh" what'd he do? I heard it. My alarm system for my gate tripped.
And then sirens claiming to be workers of the Vampire Council's Vampire Protection Agency. Vampire council?!
I stand up and hastily call Rubio. I'm not getting through.. Oh no, you do not mess with the council. I wonder how he got their number but most of all i wondered for Rubio's safety. They'd punish him for being associated with me, they'd take away Seuki.. they'd take away my Ketseuki
"it's okay" Is all I can say. The main door bursts open, I know what's going to happen
"Seuki.. I'm sorry, i wasn't enough" i so badly felt like crying. Anytime soon, they'd come here.
"N-no i- hmpf" i couldn't focus on his voice alone with the ruckus going on outside the door.
I run over to hug him. If this is my last moment with you, I'll cherish it. I kiss his forehead
"I love you, I've always loved you" he starts sobbing
"It's okay.. you'll have another family. shh close your eyes, it'll all be over" would they kill me?
"no, I'm sorry" he tightens his grip on me.
"Don't be, you aren't at fault my love" he hasn't drank in a week, right?
I cut my arm against a canvas corner, bringing it to his lips.
"Drink as much as you can.. ignore the sounds. You're safe"
They're here. Silhouette at the door.
It's taken of it's hinges with brute force. I protect him from flying debris, that's when my tears started.
My arm was bleeding as they pried him away. He didn't even get to finish. The people looked over me with disgust, of course. To them humans have always hated them. And i look more different from the rest.
I stand, using a cupboard as my support
"Could you please let him finish first? He hasn't had any in a week" I hear them scowl. Right.. It sounds like i starved him
"I hate your type" **bam** I look down as the pain rushed in. I tumble over into his paints
"Nooo! I'm sorry, let me go!" I closed my eyes to block out it's pain.
"I'm fine" I say for him. They start leaving.
"Please! She's hurt, call an ambulance! Please?!" His cries continued eventually dying out.

It is done. He'll be safe. I push myself against the cupboard. Using both hands against the wound.
"aahh.." It hurts! Everything hurts. My heart feels heavy and my lung full. I start to cough up blood. It'll be over soon, right?
".." My throat filled of blood. Can't talk. I don't wanna die?! My eyes began feeling heavy, the world got darker.
My life didn't flash, only his face. I smile. It doesn't hurt anymore.

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