ch : 9

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Author's pov :
It was 7 o'clock in the morning , sunlight was coming from the locked window and was gently falling on Y/n's face and it was the cause to make her wake up.

Y/n's pov :
*I woke up , I felt like something is empty then suddenly last night's conversation came to my mind, I jumped out from my bed and started calling Jungkook and then Searching for him in entire house.*
*I came back to bedroom and crouched down on the floor in the corner side of the bed and started remembering the beautiful memories spend with him these days with tears falling down heavily from my eyes*

It can't happen you can't go like that.
*While crying I drifted to sleep then when I woke up I saw that it was 9 o'clock , I recognised that today is Layla's wedding.*
*I quickly ran to my closet while wiping my tears and started finding the dress Layla gave to me to wear specially in her wedding day*



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*Choose anyone from them and I am again sorry if you don't like any of them 😅*

I did a little makeup and got ready for the wedding party but my eyes were still little reddish.

*At the wedding hall*

Y/n's pov :
*I went inside the hall , ngl but at the hall people were looking at me with Wide eyes  and started gossiping about me. I heard a lady say wow see how beautiful she is looking and she better than her step sister but I ignored it and was looking  at the beautiful  decorations and colourfull lights , beautiful flowers with sweet fragrance, different types of food items and many more things , but then I heard a shrill voice coming from my back*

Layla : Hey Sis how are you?
Y/n : I am good and wow you are looking beautiful.
Layla : I know that I am beautiful and what do you think of yourself huh? You are a piece of trash that came to my wedding 🤣.
Y/n : *I was getting freaking angry with her attitude , I can make her see where she belongs to but I spare her and I was also not feeling well so I calmed myself*
Layla's pov :
*Really I gave her the ugliest dress to wear but still she is taking everyone's attention , I have to do something to show her , her real place*
Layla : *giggles*
Y/n : What happened?
Layla : You are so poor and pftt ,You are looking ugly , this is why Henry left you 🤣.
Y/n : *She said it so loudly that everyone could hear it , I was so embarrassed and I was shocked dad was there but he didn't protest for me*
Layla : Henry dear!!!
Henry : yes sweetie.
Layla : So say everyone why you left her.
Henry : Sure babe , I left her cause she is a cheater , gold digger , ugly , poor , she can't love anyone , she is just like a use and throw paper.
Y/n : That's enough pls stop *I requested her  pleadingly with tears in my eyes*
Layla : What! It's the beginning dear.


Author's pov :
Byee cuties luv u all
Last chapter coming soon~

Author's pov : Byee cuties luv u allLast chapter coming soon~💜✨

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Thank you sooo much 💕

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