Chapter 16

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He jumped down from where he was hiding, no longer caring if his invisibility potion wore off. The girl was going to die if he didn't help.

He drew his sword, slashing at the giant's legs. Was it a giant? He didn't know.

The giant looked down at him, confused when he didn't see anything.

The giant reached down as if to grab him. He splashed his feet with jump boost and jumped up to where he was holding the girl.

He landed on the giant's arm and slashed his wrist, digging his blade deep, hitting bone.

The giant roared, dropping the girl. He jumped off of it's arm, placing water bellow the girl before she could hit the ground.

He pulled out his crossbow, shooting the giant twice in the eyes.

The blinded giant covered his eyes, gasping in pain. The harming and poison he had endured had weakened him.

The boy smiled. It shouldn't be too hard to kill him now. He searched through his inventory. He pulled out fireworks, loading them into his crossbow. He never liked to use fireworks. They brought back bad memories.

He shot the crossbow, wincing as the fireworks went off. The flashing lights, the loud noises. It was too much.

He shook his head. He couldn't think about that.

The giant fell to the ground. He looked dead, but he couldn't take any chances after last time. He shot off more fireworks. The giant started to disintegrate.

Sirens wailed. The police were almost here. He had to leave, fast.

"Hey." the girl had spoken.

He looked down. Fuck. His invis had worn off.

He faced the girl. "Look, I'd love to stay and talk, but I really have to get going now."

The girl stepped closer. "No, don't go yet."

He stepped back. He hated talking to people.

He turned on his headset. "No, I have to go."

The girl caught up to him. She looked concerned. "Are you okay?" then she stopped. "Do you know someone named Wilbur? Or Tommy?"

He stopped. "Where are they?"

"Let me ask questions first."

"Where are they?" he asked again.

The girl sighed. "The casino. Not-"

"K thanks bye." he turned and started walking away. He still had some jump boost left. He hopped onto a window sill, climbing up to the top of the building. He looked down and saluted to the girl. o7 he thought.

"They're at the casino." he said to his headset.

"Got it. I'll meet you there."

"Yeah, see ya Ranboo."

"See ya, Tubbo."

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