Whitebeard Pirates

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"Hey (Y/N), I know it's Haruta's turn to explore the next island with you but wouldn't you like it better if I took you instead?" Duece asked, looking down at you laid across his lap. 

"I guess, I don't really care who takes me though, as long as I can go somewhere other than this ship." 

"Yeah, but I think I'd still be able to protect you better." 

"It doesn't really matter, no one's actually out to get me." You responded. The masked man just frowned at you, as he ran his hand through your hair. 

The Whitebeard pirates were nice enough to you, but it didn't mask the fact that they were all insane. You wanted nothing more than to be dropped off at an island and left alone, the life of a pirate just wasn't for you. You figured if you convinced them that you weren't as "Precious" or "in danger" as they thought you were, you could leave and restart your life on land. 

"Are you trying to persuade (Y/N) to run away with you again? You know Pops doesn't like it when you do that." Turning your head, you saw Rakuyo walking over to where you and Deuce were. 

"No, I wouldn't do that!" The blue-haired man claimed, glaring at him.

"Yeah right, you do it all the time!" The blond argued, "Come on (Y/N), Thatch prepared you lunch." He told you, his tone a lot friendlier to you than it was with the pirate who you were currently laying on.

"Ok." You said, sitting up and going over towards the blond, "What'd he make?" You asked, linking your arm with his own.

"You'll have to see for yourself." He replied, smiling down at you.

The two of you made your way towards the kitchen, the wooden floorboards of the ship creaking whenever you stepped on them.

"Here you go, darling~" Thatch cooed as he handed you a plate of food. "I hope you like it."

"I always like your food." You replied as you ate the meal in front of you. A sudden weight on your shoulders made you turn your head to see Ace's arms wrapped around you, his head resting on your shoulder.

"That looks good, can I have some?" The raven-haired man asked, already reaching over your shoulder to grab some of the food.

"Stop that," Thatch ordered, slapping his hand away.

"Yeah, you can have some." You responded.

"Thanks, babe~," He said, kissing you on the cheek, "You're my favorite person." 

"Are you sure you want to let Ace eat your food? He'll end up eating it all." Thatch reminded, leaning on the table.

"It'll be fine, I'm not really that hungry." You informed, grinning up at the brunette. "Anyways, I'm gonna go see how Pops is doing." You said, standing up and going to Pop's room. He was probably the biggest threat here, if you could distract him then it'd probably be easier to escape. Knocking on the large wooden door that led to Whitebeard, you waited until you heard the gruff man say to come in. 

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