The rocky path

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Centuries, that's how long he has walked this world. He's seen kingdoms rise and fall, he's fought for those kingdoms, only being able to grasp  the win for being able to see the snippets of the future. Time was in his hands, he knew everything before him and snippets of what was to come. Yet even after being able to see through time, he still, can't see his own future. He visited one kingdom after another, chaos following him. Kriegs, the God of Time.

No one can comprehend how many wars he's witnessed, how many of Gods have been reborn to new people, to worse versions of themselves. You control the time he thinks, don't waste your time with mortals he thinks to himself, mortals are gonna be the reason why this world ends.

The God of Wishes, the God that he fought as enemies that later became allies, then friends. They ruled the kingdom together. God of wishes kept everyone safe, he built that kingdom for peace for his people and for himself. Even though they did not get it all the time, the majority of the life they had was peaceful. They could forget about what they used to be and what they were called. There were times, Kriegs didn't even know what God he was, until Wil, the God of Wishes, was able to grant him peace for a period of time. Kriegs thought he escaped all the wars that were in this harsh world. Until one day, he was abandoned, Wil and Kriegs sitting in a room together, but when Kriegs looked up to see if Wil was paying attention, he was gone. Kriegs, was abandoned. 

Kriegs abandoned the kingdom Wil left him. He doesn't care if the kingdom fell or persisted. Back to his old life, fighting other Gods, fighting other nations, fighting other kingdoms. When was he going to finally have peace? Mortals believe that immortality is amazing but its only worth it, if you have something to fulfil, the longer your life, the more dead you  will feel.

Out of nowhere he finds himself standing in front of a town, another kingdom. He wanders for a bit, and finds himself standing in front of the castle walls, these walls remind him of something, maybe his past life? He stands there thinking, what was he like before he became a God. "Are you a visitor?" The guards ask, staring at the God of Time, "Yes....I'm just a visitor." The guards open up the gates to let Kriegs in. He walks into the main crown room, a throne and large, white robes dangling from the ceiling. There are photos of the royal family on the walls. He stares at the painting of the family for a while before two children come running out of the hallway to his right. 

"Come here Andy! Come here!" The little boy yells, he looks a few years older than the little girl, "No!" They run around the throne room for a few seconds till they realise that there is someone in there with them. They both froze staring at Kriegs, "Who's he?" The girl with long black hair tied in a braid whispered, "I don't know....should we call Argus?" The boy with black hair whispers, "I'll go get Argus!" The little girl runs back from where she came while the boy just stands there staring at him, "Uhm...uhh....Are you a visitor?" The little boy asks, "Or a traveller?" Kriegs doesn't know how to respond. A taller boy comes out of the hallway that the little girl ran off to, "Hello, are you a visitor?" The taller boy asks, "Uhm, yes, well, no I'm a traveller."

"So you're a visitor and a traveller? That is slightly confusing for me, maybe it would be better if I got your name?" Kriegs doesn't know what to do if he should let the children know that there is a god standing right in front of them, "Kriegs?" A faint voice comes through another hallway, "Kriegs! How has it been so long!" A man comes out of one of the hallways, "Kriegs...." The man stays still for a second. "Children....why don't you go to the garden, I would like to talk with this man alone."

"You know him father?" ask the tall boy, "He's an old friend. We have so much catching up to do." the three children walk off through the hallways until they can't be seen. "Wil...." Kriegs says, "Kriegs, I'm so delighted to see you again." God of the Wishes, the God that left him alone to run a kingdom of his own. "I see you have left our kingdom?"

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