The Rose above the thorns

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Andy sits in her room, all alone, crying. Mother laid in her coffin, what seemed like she was sleeping, waiting to be buried within the next few days. Knocking can be heard behind the door, "Andy?" Argus' voice can be heard from outside. But Andy ignores it and looks down at the cold, marble floor in her room. "Andy...Don't ignore me." Andy looks towards Argus who looks mighty suspicious, hiding something behind his back, "Where's dad?" Andy asks, she looks up, her eyes are red and it looks as if she hasn't gotten much sleep from all the crying last night. "Father has left." Argus responded, trying to hold a smile on his face, "For how long?"

"I don't know...."

"So...So he just left us? Does he not love us?"

"I'm sure he loves us, but" Argus can't keep a hold of his smile for much longer, talking about this topic. "Hey...Let's move away from this topic, alright Andy?" Andy sniffles and wipes her nose. "I was looking through mother's jewellery this morning, and looked at what I found." Argus pulls out four beautiful necklaces. One red rose, dark blue crown, green pocket clock and a white sword. "Necklaces? For who?" 

"Well, I don't think mother would wear all four of these, it doesn't seem like something she would wear right?" Andy walks up towards Argus to admire the necklaces, "Can I have one?"

"Well, of course! Why would I show them to you if you couldn't keep one?" Andy's eyes are attracted to the red rose. The red rose is as small as a coin and has a thin chain. "Do you want the Rose?" Argus asks, Andy nods her head and receives the red rose necklace. "Are you having one?"

"I don't know, which one should I have?" Andy looks at the three remaining necklaces, "Hmm...I think you should have the crown one."

"And why is that?"

"Because you are going to become king soon, and we could put it on your head!" Andy giggles and attempts to put the small, glass crown on his head, "Ok ok, blue one it is." 

"Are the other two for Ace and Kriegs?"

"Yes, they are. Do you want to help me share them?"

"Ok.." Argus leaves Andy's bedroom and Andy follows. Andy once read in a book that "Red flowers, mean love or romance." But she doesn't like that, so instead, she thinks it means courage. Andy has always loved the red flowers in the garden, and the yellow ones too. Red and yellow flowers always seem to get her attention. She loved the colours of the flowers, but most importantly their meanings. Ever since she read a specific book in the library, she would always look for yellow flowers and offer them to Ace and Argus, also try to put the flowers in their hair.

A few days later and mother was being blessed by the pope. Mother was being sprayed with holy water before her coffin was laid in the dirt and buried. Argus out of all 3 of them was crying the most. Andy had never seen her brothers as sad as they are today. She was only six, she didn't understand it, she didn't understand how much this meant to them. Andy too was crying but not as much as they were. Andy thought that older brothers didn't feel anything, Andy thought that they were fearless, Andy thought they were immortal. 

Kriegs was there, he was always there whenever they needed him when father was never there. He was there to comfort Argus and Ace during the funeral, he was there to look after Andy while Ace and Argus had to do something called "business meetings", and he was there the day that Argus became king.

The crown that was being laid before him was the same crown father used to own, but no longer his, it was now Argus' crown, the new King of Harelon. The youngest king there to ever be. King at the age of 14.

The crowd was cheering below, but Andy and Ace were by far the loudest, you could hear them cheer for their older brother, and Argus smiled. He turned to his younger sister and brother and smiled, a smile for only the siblings, no one else. Kriegs was standing beside Andy clapping with a small smile on his face.

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