The waterpark

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This will be after they all hugged eachother. (When they saw eachother in South korea again)

Seri and Captain Ri aren't officially dating yet and the comrades have no clue that captain and Seri grew a liking towards eachother

Have fun❤️

Seri's POV:

Just as  jeong  parted me and the comrades eun dong spoke up:

„ Seri? When we walked trough seul we found a waterpark.. Can we go there?? Can weeeee????"
Those puppy eyes of him.. ughh fine he got me this time.

„Sure but do you all have swiming trunks?" i answered. They all nodded quickly

„Fine, i guess we can go then"
Awww seing them so happy made me smile.. i will really miss them.. but lets not think about that now.

Timeskip, Captain Ri's POV:

Oh god damn it.. we all have to share a changing room..

„ comrades.. i know, this is very uncomfortable but we will go trough this. Everyone is going to turn around ok? We all stay turned around till we are all finished fine?" Gosh that was awkard.

„Yes sir" they all said in unison.

As i pulled down my pants i sighed in relief. Seri told me to change before we got there. A little less embarrassed i said outloud,
„ Im finished"  they all answered with a me too. They probably changed at home already.

Timeskip brought to you because Jeong Hyeok is always fine:

Me, seri and the comrades all stood together in a circle to make plans. Eun dong, chi so and man bok are going to the jump board. Park is going to the sauna while me and seri are going outside because its to hot in the hall. And the water is colder outside.
A few times i saw seri glaring at my abs. Well i couldnt blame her since she looks like a USA model.
Her curves are perfect. Her skin looks so smooth. Her tights not too thin not too thick. Shes just perfect.

We stepped in the water and i held her hand. While mine was so cold her was so warm i didnt wanted to let go. In the pool there were just 2 people a woman and a little kid. Probably mother and child. As i let go of her she looked at me like i did something really bad so i just swam over to her and hugged her. I must say its hard to hug like that so i grabbed her thights and placed her legs around my waist. She first was a little shocked but soon laid her head kn the crook of my neck. I still held her and i didnt wanted to let go but then she looked at me with..

She looked at me with


Again i couldnt blame her since i looked at her with the same expression. Soon i couldnt hold back anymore so i kissed her. But what you call a passionate kiss soon turned over to a heated make out session. As we both needed to stop because of oxygen she asked me in the sexiest way you all can imagine:

„ Why did you stop ?" i smirked and we continued to make out. I grabbed her ass and she gasped that gave me the perfect chance to insert my tongue.
I felt myself getting hard but lets just say.. sometimes i regret being a guy. Why?

„Uhm.. c-captain R-Ri?!" Chi soo asked in disbelief we parted and looked kn his direction. All of them stood there in disbelief.

„ its not h-how it looks like" we both said in unison
I felt my face heat up but i still didnt let go of her.

„Why a-a-are you h-holding her ass?" eun bong asked embarrassed. I let go of her and we looked at them. They bursted out in laughter and chi soo spoke up
„ Ahahah captain a-are you AHAHAH are you hard?"
Everyone even seri laughed. Seri leaned over to me and whispered in this one voice: lemme fix that later.
My eyes shot open and heat rose to my face. I turned crimson while seri was just smirking.

The rest of the day i was getting teased from my comrades. But at the end of the day.... (;


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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