Work Of A Miracle

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After almost the whole population of the two nearby Kaiju cities were cured, the cities were repaired, houses were repopulated, and everything slowly returned to normal.
Everyone returned to their old homes, their old jobs were reopened.

Everything returned to normal. Quickly.

Now, The ones who were dubbed "Heroes"-That survivor group of kaiju this story focused on- were at a large gathering.

"It is today that just about everything is back to normal. For six whole years, and a quarter of a year, We've endured the struggle of a dark event. Known as The Infection. Today, we present our heroes with tokens of appreciation."

Godzilla, Lyma, and several others were awarded special medallions. They had a carving on them that showed everyone's gratitude for ending that semi-apocalypse.

"If it weren't for this large group, we'd still be acting like rabid animals. Killing whatever we saw."
"They found the true cure, which was being hidden by a group that based in a laboratory and contained the laboratory's old workers. In the midst of all of this, Madison Russell-who's next to me-was turned from human to kaiju in an experiment conducted by the laboratory."

Madison sighed and looked down towards the ground.

"You ok, Little Titan?" Godzilla asked, "You look sad."

"I'm not human, I miss human life." Madison replied.

Godzilla now understood, Madison was ripped away from everyone she loved. In this form, all she could do was see them.

Madison was desperate to see them again, her family was what she missed at this time.

Godzilla understood it all.

Now, how's they did of the gas, you ask? Well, thanks to Lyma, there's a device that sucks in JUST that gas- leaving oxygen behind.
It's a miracle, really. Although, it could be because that gas is made from bacteria.

Orhani was happy that finally, the infection was no more. He was ready to meet with some fellow roaming spirits. "Ghosts".

Orhani went to the graveyard in Godzilla's hometown, to find a ghost from gojira's species- standing next to a grave.

"Hello, Dagon."

Dagon's attention turned to Orhani.

"Greetings, Dr. Orhani." Dagon's ghost replied, "Where were you a few days ago?"

Orhani awnsered "Helping the Living."

"How so?" Dagon got curious, "And who?"

"I helped. . . Someone who survived the event you died in, who is related to you." Orhani winked.

"My younger brother, Godzilla?" Dagon asked.

"Indeed." Orhani replied, "Now, I must go."

When Orhani left, Dagon ran to a group of-also dead- relatives.

"Mother, Godzilla has done great things. Things we haven't lived to do."

Godzilla's mother gasped, same with his father.

"What'd he do?" Godzilla's father asked.

"Stopped that crazy Infection thing." Dagon replied.

Godzilla's mother and father rushed to the celebration the living were hosting.


<That Night>

Godzilla walked to his old home, and made it look good as new. Then, he settled into bed for the night.

Godzilla:the infection{A (Unique?) Godzilla AU/FANFICTION}Where stories live. Discover now