- - --- ꒰CHAPTER 9꒱

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The Daily Life of Butler (Y/N):

(Y/N) stretched his thin arms upward and shaded his eyes from the sun. Usually, Sumi would be bossing him around first thing in the morning, but after their little squabble over the notebook, it looked like she kept a minimum distance of six feet from him at all times.

He had to make up with her sooner or later. But before that, there was work to be done.

"(Y/N), get the baths ready!" Aoi shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes!" he shouted back. Baths as his first task? The (H/C) boy let out a small groan. His most recent memory with the baths wasn't a pleasant one. He'd slipped on a piece of soap. And he'd ended up with a concussion.

(Y/N) believed he was much more talented in cooking... Or laundry... Or folding clothes... Doing girls' hair...

Naho bounded into his room. He hadn't noticed her slip inside. "Ohayo (Y/N)!" she chimed, "You're up early today!"

"Morning, Naho."

She stepped from side to side in place excitedly, "Do you want me to help you with the baths?"

"No, I can do it myself. Aoi will probably want you in the kitchen, you know."

"Ehhh~?" Naho exclaimed, "If you say so!" The girl skipped out of the room, a bit hesitant, nonetheless humming a tune. She had probably been worried about him taking care of the baths alone.

After making sure she had left, (Y/N) proceeded with his daily morning routine.

Reading an excerpt from the notebook.

Today was who he made out to be... Mister Haruto Ryusei...? Gah, it was his own handwriting, but (Y/N) couldn't help but squint at the unidentifiable scribblings.

"Ryusei's reason:" the notebook read, "I can take my part in protecting people!"

(Y/N)'s eyes gleamed as he repeated what he'd written. "... Protecting people!"

The boy slowly lifted his head, his lips forming a bright and ambitious smile. He pumped both of his fists in the air. "Alright! Let's do this!"

Before he could work with the bath's however, Aoi shouted at him again. There were new Demon Slayers who'd arrived at the mansion. He was to greet them and lead them to their rooms.

The boy hastily changed into his uniform, flattened his (H/C) hair, checked himself for any indecencies, then ran to the front door of the mansion. There stood a group of battered Demon Slayers. (Y/N) made sure to politely fold his hands together and bowed as he had done a hundred times.

"Welcome to the Butterfly Mansion." he said, "Please follow me."

The Daily Life of Butler (Y/N):

(Y/N) grasped Master Tanjiro's right arm and gave it a good, hearty stretch. He felt Master Tanjiro wince in pain. (Y/N) hated to hurt him, but it had to be done. Flexibility was a very important factor to a successful Demon Slayer.

Naho was in charge of Master Tanjiro's left arm. (Y/N) glanced up at her, and both of them smiled mischievously. (Y/N) and Naho liked to compete- in who could massage faster.

For the rest of the training session, (Y/N) cheered for Master Tanjiro until his voice was hoarse. Motivation was another very important factor to a successful Demon Slayer. (Y/N) made sure to provide plenty of it.

The Daily Life of Butler (Y/N):

All of them had been summoned by Master Tanjiro to help him with his training. Master Tanjiro was very hard working. Even if Master Inosuke and Master Zenitsu refused to tag along, Master Tanjiro stayed diligent.

"Hit me if I stop total concentration breathing, alright?" Master Tanjiro said with a determined look in his maroon eyes.

Such resolve. (Y/N) wished he had that too. Yet, he was still a little worried.

"Should we actually hit him?" he whispered to Naho.

Naho whispered back, "That's what master Tanjiro he wants. Perhaps he will be angry if we don't do it."

"I don't want him to be angry."

"Then I guess we have no choice."

(Y/N) watched as Master Tanjiro furrowed his eyebrows in deep concentration. His rhythmical breaths heaved his chest up and down... up and down.

Sumi, Naho, (Y/N), and Kiyo decided to take different shifts throughout the night. All of them could sleep while one watched Master Tanjiro.

(Y/N) could hardly sleep anyway. He watched Master Tanjiro intently. How long could he last?

As they discovered- Master Tanjiro was a bit new in the ways of total concentration breathing. Barely three hours had passed and he was sound asleep, snoring.

The Butterfly Mansion Servants nodded to each other. (Y/N) picked up his weapon.


They hit him as hard as he had requested.



(A/N): There'll be actual plot soon- haha, I just thought it would be interesting to give some different perspective to the rehabilitation training arc. Sorry guys, if this weird slice of life format is bothering you.

I also just realized that this story has so many time-skips. Sorry for that too. I'll try to keep it a bit more consistent from now on T^T

Thank you so much for sticking around! See you in the next chapter <3

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