Chapter 2~Welcome to Camp

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Breakfast today was pretty normal. The riders who only signed up to ride once a day would go later. The all day riders went. That was only a few people of my cabin. Me, Zoe, Jasmine, and Ella.

I didn't mind getting up though, I am an early bird all the way. Why sleep when there is so much to do, so much to see! I opened one eye and stared at my clock, 6:30 at blinked. I popped up and started mindlessly putting on my riding clothes, so did Zoe. Oh well, It's a girls camp. "Good morning!" I whispered to Zoe and Hailey, who had been awake like me. As me and Zoe were struggling to get our riding tights on, (It's always hard with the tights) Hailey went over and woke up Jasmine and Ella. Jasmine eagerly popped out of bed and loudly whispered. "Good morning guys! I can't wait!" Ella lay in in bed and moaned "Too early!" and snuggled back into her pillow. Hailey stalked into the bathroom and told us to follow her. Hailey filled her hands up with water. What? I thought. "Guys, you can fix your hair or do whatever you need to do for a second." Hailey walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed the messy ponytail and pulled the band out of my hair. Jasmine and Zoe were doing the same thing. I pulled my hair back into a low pony tail and mwah la. I'm done. "Meaaa!!!" I heard somebody whisper scream.Gosh, these people are heavy sleepers. 

Breakfast was eggs and bacon and waffles. It was much nicer once we got to the dining hall because everyone there was already awake and loud like us. "Oh my gosh! I can't wait to ride Ellie!" I told Jasmine after I finished my waffles. Before Jas could reply, Ella loudly said "Oh my gosh!!! I love Ellie! I rode her last year!" "Who are you riding this year?" I calmly said back. "Ugh, this year I'm riding Teddy, the tall grey pony." Ella replied. Before I could say anything, Jasmine immediately said, "What's so bad about that?" I could tell she was insulted. "He's OLD. I want a 4 foot jumper for god's sake!" Ella said. Zoe, sitting across the table with Hailey, immediately stopped talking to Hailey and said, "I like Teddy! I mean, HE'S A HORSE!" I nudged Jasmine and we exchanged "Just let it go" looks.

We all raced to the barn, except Ella. I'm sure Ella couldn't wait to ride Teddy! There were all other 14 girls already there. Everybody was mking a big fuss over the horses. I kept hearing "Oh he's so cute!" or "Woah! She's ginormous!" I sprinted to where I remembered Ellie from last night. I peeked over the stall door. Ellie was sleeping! Marilyn and the four other instructors came one by one out of the director of camp's office, which was right by the tack room. The guy with the nametag that said "Eric" yelled loud enough to hear but not too loud to scare the horses,"Everyone, everyone, come gather around me if you are an all-day rider!" Everyone, including me, reluctantly scurried over to The coaches. There was Eric, Marilyn, Rebecca, and Caroline. "Welcome to Camp Hoofbeat to Heartbeat! You can call it Camp Hoofbeat for short! Today, you will ride once in the morning and once in the afternoon. The first ride will be in the ring. The second will be on a trail or something fun. Today our afternoon session will be a slow trail ride, just to get you guys started and used to everything. For each morning ride the people riding with me in the intermediate group will be Carrie, Ella, Wren, Jasmine, and Ashley." Then Rebecca said, "The people riding in the beginner group with me will be Dana, Mattie, Bri, and Becky." Marilyn then announced, "The girls that will be riding in  the advanced group with me will be Zoe, Stephanie, Chloe, Jess, and Mackenzie." "Yes!" Zoe whispered to me. I replied with a broad smile. Eric happily said: "Since Caroline will be teaching in the afternoons, she can help the beginners groom and tack. Feel free to ask for help. Now go and get your horses groomed everyone!" 

"Come see Adele really quick!" Jasmine said excitedly. "Sure! You can come see Ellie too! "His show name is Skyfall, hahaha do you get it?" "Haha yeah!" I replied. I followed Jasmine in the opposite direction of Ellie's stall. We finally reached Adele's stall which felt like miles away from Ellie's. We peeked over the door, and a short bay gelding was munching on his hay. "He's so pretty!" I exclaimed. "I know! I can't wait to ride him!" "Come see Ellie really quick." We walked all the way back down the hall of the huge barn, and on the way we found Zoe. Zoe was already grooming. She was grooming a tall chestnut with a big blaze on his head. "See you in the ring Zoe!" I hurriedly announced. "Can't wait!" She said, her voice muffled since she was picking his hooves. Jasmine and I passed the tack shop and there was Ellie again. "Swoon!" Jasmine exclaimed. "That horse is the prettiest thing I've ever seen!" She reached out and patted Ellie's head. "Well, I better get started!" We walked to the tack room, which was right next to Ellie's stall. I hauled out Ellie's tack and grooming bucket. "Bye, Jas! See you soon!" I said as we walked in opposite directions. 

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