Chapter 25: We're Friends, Right?

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Wednesday, December 5, 1984
The Snicket Household

Third Person's POV
After multiple attempts of trying to relocate Klaus, Zero was finally taking a break and restoring her energy, and overall just giving her mind a rest. Alio, Anne, Jesper, LeAnna, Naomi, and Rei were upstairs.

"So, she has invisibility, telekinesis, a barrier ability, and can find people without moving?" LeAnna asked, just making sure that what the kids were explaining to her was correct.

Anne nodded her head. "Yep. I think those are all her powers, as far as we know. But when she showed us her barrier-forcefield power thing, she didn't actually use it until Norman mentioned it. I dunno if she forgot about it, but yeah."

Alio then tells himself, "I still wanna know if she has super-hearing."

Jesper seemed to be the only one thinking something was off about the group of abilities Zero has.

LeAnna just blinks for a few moments before saying, "And when you guys first found Klaus, the lights flickered in morse code and it translated to 'Let him go. Rallane said to forget about the boy until further notice,' she said she thought Liam was 'normal', that she upset him, and that he was her friend?"

Jesper unzipped his backpack and brought out Zero's drawings he took. "Yeah." He held a few of the sheets of paper out. One had a stick figure drawing of her and a boy, and another drawing of her and a man. "This one's Liam, and that one is the one that runs the lab, Dr. Rallane; Papa."

LeAnna didn't take the drawing with Rallane and Zero to mean anything. But when she looked at the drawing with Liam and Zero, she noticed that the drawing of Zero looked sad whereas Liam in the drawing had a suspicious/mischievous expression. It didn't appear detailed (since it was just a stick figure), but LeAnna still felt like it had to mean something.

"Mind if I borrow this?" asked LeAnna.

Jesper just shrugged. "I mean, if you need it-"

LeAnna took the drawing of Zero and Liam and walked over to the door. "Stay here until I come back, unless your parents need you home."

Naomi just blinked when LeAnna walked out.

    "...Honestly, that went better than I expected," Rei awkwardly commented. "What now?"

Anne shrugged. "Let's give Zero a break right now. She's probably drained."

Rei sighed as she lays her head down on the table she was sitting at.

     "Have you guys ever felt bugs on you when they aren't there?" Alio randomly asked, trying to brighten the mood. "What if it's all the ghosts of the bugs you've killed?"

Jesper just stood up and walked over to the next room.

     "Alio, this needs to stop," said Rei.

Alio shook his head. "Nope. Now, when you clean a vacuum cleaner, aren't you the vacuum cleaner?"

     "Dude, you've gotta end this, all right?" Anne told him. "Jesper's probably in the next room questioning everything he's ever known!"

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