Chapter 4 - Camellia

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Looking down at her food, Camellia wished she could just go back to bed.

But she couldn’t because she was the one who initiated this whole reading Proverbs thing. Not that she did it willingly but the result was the same. 

Waking every morning and being organized was better than the alternative of having Winter tell Summer that the reason her laptop had crashed, was because she, Camellia, had put a flash with viruses on it. Multiple viruses.

Sure it was now working, and she had been able to restore all the data, but the truth is, no one was allowed to touch Summer’s laptop. It was her work laptop and even she did not use it for random stuff.

But Camellia had been working on a really important project on her laptop and she couldn’t afford to test the flash drive there. Her laptop did not have an antivirus, but she figured that since Summer’s had one, she would be safe. Obviously, that was a wrong assumption because it had come back to bite her in the behind.

Summer had been so angry that Camellia had vowed to never speak the truth and have that anger directed at her. It had caused the second strike against Summer in her, then, job, which she had lost about two months ago. 

Of course, it wasn’t the only thing that Winter could use to blackmail her, but somehow she always knew what to use and when to use it. 

Camilla pushed the plate away with a growl, thinking about it did not change anything. Instead, she decided that like the past two days, she will enjoy her sisters’ obvious dislike of their new morning routine.

Autumn because she didn’t like waking up early, and Summer because she felt it took time away from her morning routine. 

Whatever. It wasn’t like it was actually her choice to do it, but she would at least take advantage of it to learn something from the Bible.

Camilla really liked reading her Bible. It was something she had done with her mom before and she always felt close to her when she did it. There were so many cool stories in there and she enjoyed reading them. Some things she skipped because it made no sense to her, but other stories she would read over and over again because she really liked them.

She usually went to Autumn when there were some things she didn’t understand but wanted to know about. Her sister would always help her google it if she didn’t understand it either. While reading the Bible was fun for her, she hated commentaries so she always preferred asking someone else. 

Maybe when she was more grown up she would commentaries a chance, but for now, she really did not care.

She looked up at her Summer when her sister walked into the room and grabbed the slip from her bag that she had forgotten to give her before. 

It was another notice from the school informing Summer that Camellia was causing trouble in her class again, and might need to moved up another grade.


“Don’t, I know I am supposed to stay out of trouble but I didn’t do anything. Since when is it wrong to ask teachers questions? It’s not my fault she didn’t know the answers while I did. Plus she was kind of teaching us something incorrectly again. And if I don’t clarify things with her, she marks me wrong just because it’s not what she taught, even though she is teaching lies,” Camellia defended herself. 

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