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Bae bae get up"
My fault but why Olivia here she said she pregnant and she can't contact crow ion know what to do"
Huh she pregnant"she sat up and got up out the bed
What the fuck she want us to do"I asked walking behind her as she went in the bathroom

Ion know bae"
Who she pregnant by the girl or crow"
Babe a girl can't get a girl pregnant"
I know but at this point who knows"
She looked at me laughing while brushing her teeth I waited till she got done and we went downstairs

Hey Olivia wassup"
Can you help me get in contact with crow it's something serious"
Your pregnant?"
Yea I'm 3 months now so it's to late to do anything look can you have him call me ion wanna disturb you guys"

I leaned on the counter in the kitchen listening still shit ion mind her disturbing us this drama is juicy and it get crazier and crazier every day I really ain't think Olivia would cheat on crow but here we are

Ill call him"
C-can you do it now"
Sure lemme get my phone" aria came in the kitchen and I handed her my phone
You really gonna call him"
I mean yea she's pregnant"
I'm not in that"
Whatever"she laughed and walked back out I heard the ringing and then crow voice

Hey crow it's aria"
Oh shit wassup sis"
Nun much but Um olivias here and she really needs to speak to you"
For the fuck what"

It's kinda serious"
Only thing that can make me ever speak to her again is if she pregnant and I doubt that"
Well"I covered my mouth laughing arias a fucking fool for that
Put her on the phone"

A few seconds later aria came in the kitchen shaking her head
This situation is to much"
I bet finish telling me bout yall lil getaway"
Other then the shit with Olivia OH bae I forgot why Byrd fought Olivia"

She ain't even tell me"
Cause they hashed it out after now that I think about it Olivia was WAIT Olivia told us she couldn't get pregnant keeeeee"
My mouth dropped open and she did the same we both looked at the kitchen entrance and I heard a click

Olivia?"i called
Surprise"She stood there with a ak and started firing but we ducked behind the counter
What the fuck"aria said opening the cabinet handed me and her a gun

This bitch tripping my children here"I mumbled and brought my hand up but not my head I let off a few shots and they were returned by a few more shots
I looked next to me and aria was gone
BAE"I yelled

IM GOOD"I heard back and Olivia let off a few more shots

Mommy"I yawned coming to the balcony I heard loud noises and they were kind of scary

I seen aunty Olivia by the kitchen she seen me as I stood at the top of stairs she pointed the black thing at me then her body flew back to the ground I covered my ears from the loud booms and kneeled down

Daddy"I called out but he didn't answer me I seen mommy walk out the kitchen and i got scared did mommy hurt aunty
Kairi oh my god baby"she ran to me and I ran away into my room

Moms aren't supposed to hurt people, my mommy is never supposed to hurt people. She's just like my other mom  I laid down crying I was scared now

Fuck fuck fuck"I cursed coming down the stairs
What happen they ok"
Ka-kairi seen that  she ran from me"
That's why she pointed that way"
Yea she was gonna shoot her....kairi probably hates me right now"

Well deal with her in a bit lemme call these niggas over here"
He walked out and I stared at olivias lifeless body I didn't wanna ever put a bullet in Olivia head and it was scaring me because she was so close to us and for her to raise a gun at my child was the biggest betrayal

I didn't want nothing to do with this life anymore literally I had enough body's under my belt and hopefully god forgives me for that but It was hard to even forgive myself

I guess killing someone you close to does leave an affect of you
They on they way after we get this shit outta here I got some shit to do"
I thought you said we was gonna check on kairi"
We is but I gotta run out"
I- ok"

Imma go check in on her"
He walked upstairs and I looked around at the multiple bullet holes in my cabinets it was can goods bust open boxes of cereal the fridge was shot up my kids should not have to see this I grabbed ke phone and called my mom

Hey mommy"
Hey baby wassup"
Ma I need you to hold the kids for a bit I'll tell you why when you get here I'll send you the money and stuff"
Ok baby I'm coming"

I hung up and sighed the bell rung and I went and opened it
Yo my nieces and nephews ok y'all good"benz asked as soon as he got in
Right they good"bully added
There fine I just need y'all to get her ass outta here before they fully get up"
Aight"benz bully and joe handled the body and crow walked in the kitchen looking around

What the fuck happened here"
Ion know I realized that she told us she couldn't get pregnant mentioned it to ke we look out the kitchen doorway and she just started fucking blasting I seen her point her gun twords the stairs thinking she was gonna shoot at the kids doors and shit so I took her out I get out there and kairis by the balcony I went to go to her she ran from me"
Sis I'm sorry bout this I ain't have a damn clue"

It's not your fault crow it's always some shit in this family I'm just getting tired of it all forreal forreal"
Shit ain't that the truth"
Bitch came in here shot up all the can goods and fruit snacks I'm throwing her ass in a ditch when it's time for drop off"benz walked in saying
Y'all done already"
Yea"joe came behind him coming in the kitchen and then bully came in he was highly bothered I could tell on his face

What happened"
Well, -"I repeated the story and bully was pissed off
We need to raid this bitch crib see if we can find any and every damn thing on her she had to be planning this"
You ain't see the gun when she walked in"

No I guess the shit was under her dress"
I'm thinking she did this cause aria revealed her secret a lil bit"
So this is on me my fault for being a good friend to crow"I rolled my eyes and walked off
Sis we ain't mean it like that"

I turned quickly
Then what did you mean by that, huh, cause It's like it's so many fucking snakes lurking and shit ion know who the fuck to trust round this bitch, when I show my loyalty seem like bitches can't handle it, my kid might be fucking traumatized, my kitchen fucked up and all can't even feel fucking safe in my own home this bullshit"I waved them off walking upstairs as ke was coming out Kairi room

She ok"
Yea she good"
Lemme go check"I went to walk pass but he stopped me
Babe she ain't ready"
Ready for what"

Ma just not right now"
What is it"
She said she don't wanna see you"

As a mother it broke my heart into a million pieces I nodded and walked into our room closing the door as soon as I got to the bed I broke down crying

I just felt like she hated me  when I just wanted to hug her and let her know everything would be ok

KEEPING IT REAL 3 (Agape) Where stories live. Discover now