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Dooms day 2
1:45 am
Wake yo ass up"benz shouted punching game in the back of the head pulling the bag off his head
Game jumped pulling an yanking at the restraints
What the fuck let me go who the fuck are you people"

Yo son said people, damn my boy I'm offended really"
Look whatever you want we can give it to you just relax"
Please please please please"his stepmother repeated over an over crying
Aye man shut the fuck up"that just made her cry louder

Aye game tell ya mom here to shut the fuck up before I blow her lil brain back to Mexico"Mickey said sitting
Tessa please be quiet I think these guys are serious"his father said
Ohhh you think we serious"Kenen pulled his mask off smiling at game who sat across from him at the dinner table

Game was so spooked his legs were shaking like a stripper an his father well his father literally had pissed himself

You think I'm serious now"
Tessa shut the fuck up"game said abruptly
There you go now you know who you messing with huh"
How the fuck did you get threw my security my-"
Oh ya Lil rat traps to keep all the niggas coming for yo ass out you know how I gotta right hand man on my team he right behind you actually"

Kenen was enjoying every last bit of seeing game panic at the sight of him
Are the restraints necessary" Tessa asked
Tessa shut the FUCK UP" game screamed
She started cursing in Spanish

Go ahead"ke said
POW* POW* her head dropped on the table
Game looked in terror his father cried with his mouth slightly agape
Now I guess she wasnt getting the memo so maybe y'all can"

What do you want"
Oh I want to be in the bed with my kids an my wife right now but I can't do that cause I gotta deal with niggas like you"games eye twitched slightly at the mention of the word wife

Kenen sat at the table with murder in his eyes in his head this was funny this lil trip was halarious yet it meant the world him game had pressed every button Kenen had an he had few an he had to pay the same way emon had to pay

See I'm going to make you feel every thing me an my entire family have been threw in the past few years in just what an hour?"
Man Kenen what do they gotta do with it"game said pointing to his 10 year old sister an 3 year old brother who sat in a sound proof box with toys

Imma murderer but I wouldn't hurt no kids life so precious to them right now I think I'll send em to there grandfather in Mexico let them live"
Your stupid they will just avenge me"
Kenen chuckled shaking his head
I guess ya words just signed there fate huh"

Well we don't need that"crow said screwing a silencer on his gun
No no no NOOOO"game screamed as crow opened the box there heads were turned to crow thankfully


Well we don't need that do we"bully ke chuckled sitting his gun on the table
See how you feel right now that's how I felt when I found out one of my kids died an to find it was cause of you"
Please Kenen we brothers man I grew up wit you"

We ain't brothers nigga we ain't never been brothers you got my bestfriend killed, for what nigga"
You better fucking answer"benz said walking twords game Wit his shot gun raised

L-l-look Calvin had some corners he was working around the court for big Stevie he ain't make the required payments one week an his bestfriend was making to much noise around his own name so Calvin became a problem, they wanted to kill him I told him we're y'all were an he made me ride along shots fired Calvin died"
So you just always been a rat huh"
It wasn't like that man"
Really then what was it like cause it sound like bullshit an snitching you a rat game an I'm taking everything you took from me back in blood"

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