Chapter 3: Game of War.

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Sounds of scissors snipping together was the noise (Y/n) found herself awakening to. Eyes closed (Y/n) could feel her body aching and refusing to move, her head pounded worse than any hangover the daughter of Kratos had self-induced previously. And yet it felt as if (Y/n)'s arms had been boiled in acid and then pulled apart by some vicious man-eating horses. Carefully (Y/n) opened one eye, the scissors still snipping and immediately the demigoddess was greeted with several rays of sunlight streaming in through a window. As she blinked rapidly in the attempt to dispel the strain on her eye, there was a sigh of relief from beside her before a masculine voice spoke out to her.

"Ah, glad to see you're awake." It was a deep voice, definitely an adult (Y/n) reasoned. There was a sound of wheels scooting across floorboards and rolling into view on an office chair came what (Y/n) could assume to be her doctor. A well-built man with sandy blond hair, brown eyes whose face was hidden behind a blue and white facemask. His hands were covered with surgical gloves and in his hands were a pair of scissors and some stitching threat. "You've been out for a while," The doctor continued, peering down at (Y/n), "can you tell me your name?" (Y/n) thought for a moment, what was her name...

"(Y/n)..." The daughter of Kratos eventually said. The doctor must not have been expecting her voice to sound so confused or Russian as his body seemed to jump slightly.

"Well (Y/n), my name is Caleb. I've been your doctor while you were under a coma." That (Y/n) could understand, her tiredness, soreness and fatigue all were accountable by a coma.

"Where... where am I?" (Y/n) shuddered as she tried to sit up, only now realizing that she had been rolled onto her side.

Only for Caleb to place a hand on her shoulder. "Listen, you are safe. You're in New Rome, but you've been a round the clock patient." (Y/n) was eased back down, "Okay, you've had three cracked ribs, a bruised lung, and two vertebrae still need resetting not to mention all the scars I've had to close up. Reyna was a bit surprised with Hazel and the probie carried you back here." Still so confused, (Y/n) barely even registered the names, let alone the latin word... wait, why did she know Latin? (Y/n) specifically remembered not taking that class... not that she remembered anything to be frank. "Alright, I'm just going to give you some anesthesia so I can reset your vertebrae so you can walk okay?" Caleb said as he grabbed a face mask with one long tube at the bottom but (Y/n) shook her head.

"Just get it over with." (Y/n) was a tough girl, she could take it. But Caleb shook his head.

"You're in no position to argue with me. As head surgeon I outrank you when it comes to your health alright?" At this (Y/n) groaned and tried to refute, opening her mouth to complain but Caleb was having none of it. "As the man who just found out that people cannot be crippled after what is most likely 13 hours with two parts of your spine out of alignment, I am ordering you to go under while I finish this surgery." At this, (Y/n) had no words to combat the doctor who sighed out of relief and placed the mask around (Y/n)'s head. "See you soon."

When the daughter of Kratos awoke the second time, she found that her back still felt like hell as did her arms but the rest of her was feeling achy rather than in a constant state of emergency. (Y/n) was laying on her back now, above her a ceiling fan turned at just the right temperature to blow a nice breeze onto her body. Looking down, (Y/n) saw three IV drips plugged into her arms, what was somewhat funny to her was that the drips had to be placed around the mysterious chains that wrapped around her body like immovable snakes. The bed she was on was surprisingly comfortable, and much better than what they had at the Wolf House. Plain white sheets covered her body and in the corner of the room was wooden desk and office chair, stacks of paper laid on top of the desk while beside it sat an enormous array of bloodied bandages. Tilting her head to the side, (Y/n) was about to yank the IVs out when the door creaked open and a man wearing a blue nurse's outfit strode in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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