Chapter Two: A Lengthy Run-in with the Gorgon Sisters.

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"You have come so far so quickly, young pup." Lupa's hulking canine form moved from the shadows of the Wolf House and into the light. Around (Y/n), wolves of various sizes paroled around the building. Running up and down the torn-up carpet as torches blazing with a bright orange flame provided light to most of the area. (Y/n), had been living with Lupa and her wolves for the past few months. Before then, well it was all foggy. She had broached the subject to Lupa twice, once where the question was met with silence, and the other time the question was interrupted by a sparring match. (Y/n) did not want to figure out what would happen if she asked the third time.

(Y/n) was seated by a fire in the hearth of the Wolf House when Lupa came up to her that day. She poked aimlessly at a bit of cooking rabbit that sizzled and popped in the licking flames. The bronze blade of her axe barely even seemed to heat up as it stayed in the crackling embrace of the fire. "There is more?" (Y/n)'s voice was thick with her Russian heritage. At first it was a barrier between her and Lupa who demanded quick and clear questions, answers and tactics. Looming behind the demigod, the mother of Rome paced around the fire with glowing, silver eyes that held a sense of understanding.

"You were always quick to understand." Lupa soon made her way in front of (Y/n), on the other side of the flames which grew higher. (Y/n) flicked the rabbit meat onto the thick bronze blade of her axe head before bringing it out of the growing fire. Tearing the meat from its bones, (Y/n) glanced into Lupa's eyes showing no sign mercy and the goddess saw no hesitation in those glowing bronze eyes. Turning her head up a bit, her wolfish canines bared as she spoke. "There is a city, protected by people like you. The sons and daughters of the gods. Children of Rome. You will make your way to it and join the Legion. You have passed my tests."

Eyes narrowing with suspicion (Y/n) lowered her rabbit. "And what of my memories?" The twenty-two-year-old woman still did not know where she came from, nor did she know who she truly was. Everything before the Wolf House was a dense fog. A growl emanated from Lupa's throat. A warning.
"You shall discover them when you are ready, child. Do not test me." Still (Y/n) did not trust the wolf goddess. And yet, she felt as if Lupa was not someone that would betray her. Her grip tightened around the leather-bound handle of (Y/n)'s weapon.

"What do I do when I find the others? Kill them?" At this, Lupa smiled. Her jowls curling upwards.

"You are too much like how your father was, before he took his throne." Her smile vanished as she continued. "No, you shall join them... My pups. You shall join Rome. And in time." Lupa looked back down to (Y/n) and held her gaze. "You will lead them, to more victories than even Augustus could imagine."

Releasing a breath of air, (Y/n) finished her rabbit and tossed the bones to one of the nearby wolves. Standing to her full height, (Y/n) stretched a bit. Her clothes had ripped and torn over her time with the wolves. Lupa, thankfully provided some more for her to wear. Beneath she wore an armoured sports bra, padded with steel links between the pieces of fabric. Over top to cover her chest was a simple article of clothing. That really looked like two sashes criss-crossing over her chest to cover her breasts. There was however, a third length of cloth that connected the bottom of these two sashes at the front and all three were stitched together at the back. Two cloth ends coming down from her neck while the third wrapped around her sides. Her lower body was covered with an imperial gold studded skirt made from cloth and leather, that resembled heavily a Roman soldier.

Around her forearms were lengths of bronze chains that seemingly had no beginning or end. And whenever (Y/n) tried pulling them from her skin, her forearms burned with a fire so intense (Y/n) felt as if she had thrust her arms into a raging inferno. Running over her muscular body, from her face, down her back, across her chest down her well-defined abdominals and arms and finishing at her feet, was a series of long red markings. Not that (Y/n) knew what they were or what their purpose was. Looking at her newest pup, Lupa felt an intense swell of pride burning away in her chest, one that was only equalled by the waves of anticipation. Never before, had a wolf stare looked so perfect on a human being before, demigod or otherwise. "You will go south," Lupa continued looking in said direction "your instincts shall pull you into the right path... Do not mistake these feelings as false" The seven-foot-tall, chocolate red furred wolf goddess stood as well. "Now go, and burn a path brighter than any star, command my children as they were your own."

Greek Born, Roman Loved. (Reyna x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now