Chapter 25: Traitor

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Your P.O.V.

"I see thy poor condition."

"Huh. Shouldn't you say hello first?"

"It is not necessary. Thou already know why we re-encounter each other."

"Wait, don't tell me I'm dead... Did they kill me?"

"That is not the case. However, thy lifespan is threatened by those men."

"Then I need to wake up and fight. Can you take me back?"

"I can. However, it is not a wise decision of thee." Every word pained me. Why was he saying so? "Thou will not survive against one of those man. After all, he once stole a wish from me."

"Stole... a wish?"

"Just like the black-haired from your group, he unconsciously made a wish, and it was granted by my power."

"What did he wish for?"

"Strength. Enough to be far from human capabilities." I gulped. If that was the case, there was no way I could win against him. However, if I stayed like that, I knew something worse could happen.

"But I can't just sleep and do nothing! If I don't return soon to Hak's side, he'll come here, I'm sure of it, and that will mean he'll be in danger, too!"

"If thou want to survive, that is the price to pay." He said, even though I knew he wasn't talking about it as though it was a wish.

But I didn't care if I had zero chances of making it out safe and sound.

I just wanted to see Hak smile.

See him happy.

He was everything that mattered to me.

But if I died there and at that moment, how would he react? Would he cry? Would he forget me? Would he be in pain? Would I be able to see his smile from somewhere else?

And if I stayed there forever, would he forgive me for dragging him into a bigger mess? Would I be able to live knowing I let him get hurt or even die because of me?

The Purple Dragon interrupted my thoughts.

"Thou are the one who shall decide thy fate."

"I need to wake up." I sentenced with determination, ready to fight and find a way out. He sighed, but continued his speech.

"I shall be leaving. Thou are to awake in less than a minute. However, thou will need to rely once again on my blood, and this time the price might not be a small one."

"It's fine. I'll deal with whatever comes my way."

"I see thou also are a reckless, human. Very well, then I should give you a piece of advice. Kera Itami, do not trust your past."

"What...?" I blinked a couple of times and, without warning, I found myself lying on a sofa, covered with a blanket. A man with purple hair was asleep, resting his chin on his palm.

I sat up and stared at him. Tears were about to fall, but I somehow couldn't.

More than twelve years. More than twelve years thinking I'd never see him again.

"Dad...?" I asked while shaking his shoulders "You are Itami Hachiko, right?"

The man slowly opened his eyes. When he saw my face, he hugged me, leaving me without breathing.

"Kera, it is you, right!? I... I thought those bandits killed you!"

"They couldn't... I was saved before that was the case... Dad, how come you are alive? I saw you... that they... those bandits... They didn't let me hug you one last time... And I thought you died right there..."

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