Fuzzy (M.O x A.K)

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Awsten's heart was thudding as he approached her apartment, he couldn't get her off his mind. He'd avoided drugs, alchohol, anything that would haze his mind and leave him addicted and desperate but she was different.

Blonde hair and small frame, gazing at him. Nibbling on his lips, asking if she could bite him. Just once. He couldn't help but say yes.

And now he was running back to her. Unsure if hot vampire girl venom was addictive or he just craved the intimacy, the high.

He knocked on her door and waited for barely two seconds before it was open and she was before him. His heart thud with adrenaline, his senses begging him to run, escape and that this tiny fragile looking girl in front of him was in fact a dangerous predator.

He ignored them.

"Awsten," Micheala smirked, eyeing him, "Did you come back so I could have seconds?"

He nodded nervously, words refusing bubble up.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him into her apartment before kissing him passionately. He knew this part well, he enjoyed it thoroughly. Gripping her and kissing back with the same animalistic ferocity.

"Fuck," She pulled back from him, he noticed her fangs for the first time since arriving, causing his stomach to flip, "I think you're my favourite snack."

"T-thanks," Awsten frowned.

"Oh no, don't look like that," Micheala's fingers reaching up to smooth out his forehead, "I don't usually play with my food but you're just so pretty! I can't help it!"

His eyes began drifting down, examining her slender figure. She was exactly his type and her forceful grasp on his submissive side only added to the appeal.

"Look at me when I speak," She murmured sweetly but firm enough for him to know, for his own safety he should listen.

His eyes were back at her eyes in an instant.

"Good boy."

His lips parted in shock, his stomach twisting in arousal. The intense attraction to her flushed throughout him and suddenly they were kissing again. Her hands dug firmly in his graffiti-esque hair and his inching down.

"Bedroom," She hissed before turning him around and pushing him backwards to what he assumed was the place she'd just verbalised.

Once entering he sat on the edge of her bed, not taking notice of any of his surroundings. His eyes were firmly placed on her. She hadn't even bitten him yet but somehow she was like the sun and he was Mercury, surrendered to her orbit.

She effortlessly placed herself in his lap, tilting her blonde head to the side, murmuring out a soft, "Are you ready?"

He nodded and she nestled her head into his neck, he panted in anticipation.

"I'm gonna bite you now."

"Please," He begged.

For a moment it burnt but the burning was forgettable when compared to the feeling that came afterwards. It was like he was pulled out of his body just to be forced back in, his entire world became a kaleidoscope. He was unable to focus on anything but Her. He could feel everything, everything was heightened but at the same time all his memories and prior knowledge became fuzz that his mind could easily push aside.

He breathed heavily, moaning as she drained him. He held her desperately tightly, far more tightly than he'd ever grasped a girl before but she expressed no discomfort.

"M-Michaela," Awsten spluttered out, "Oh, oh my f-fucking god."

Her hand stroked the back of his neck as he felt so overwhelmed with pleasure that he was sure he almost slipped in and out of consciousness multiple times.

"I think I love you," Awsten slurred, smiling widely at the blonde who still loomed above him.

Michaela giggled softly, wiping his blood from her lips, "You're so cute, pet."

"Hmm," Awsten hummed in approval, closing his eyes, "I like that name."

"Then I'll remember to call you it more often," He felt her stroke her cold fingers through his hair causing him to sigh softly.

He always felt fuzzy when he visited her. She claimed it was her venom rushing through his system connecting him to her but in moments like this Awsten swore Michaela was the princess charming he'd been waiting for.

"Do you love me back," He pouted, fluttering his eyes open to gaze at her flawless pale face, his heart thudding as his natural instincts urged him to run before the fuzziness took over.

Why would he leave her? She was a goddess, she was everything.

"I love the taste of you," She grinned, allowing him a peek of her fangs, her hand trailing to his thigh, "Both ways."

Awsten's pout refused to leave his face and he shook his head. The action making him dizzy, which made sense as she'd just drank a good portion of his blood.

"I am terribly fond of you," A hint of an ancient accent snuck through her usually perfectly crafted American accent, "Is that what you needed to allow yourself rest?"

He nodded furiously, his pounding headache making himself known.

"Go to sleep, pet," The blonde cooed, "I'll whip up something human-y to help with your blood loss for when you wake up."

"M'kay, Michaela," He murmured, rolling onto his side and finally drifting off.

A/n American Graffiti is next.

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