Snow Globe (G.W x A.K)

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'Are you gonna be home tonight?'

Gazing down at the phone in his hands, Awsten pondered what to send to his girlfriend in response. He'd be 'asked' to take on another night shift tonight, the third in the week so far, and it wasn't as if he had much choice. The request had honestly felt like a joke at this point. Because of his work he hadn't seen his girlfriend outside of passing out next to her at three am without a word in days.

'Sorry, babe. Got called in again :('

After placing the phone on the coffee table and swigging the last of his coffee, he rubbed his forehead, hoping to suddenly become energetic. He didn't know how much of this he could possibly handle, if he had to walk under the illuminated "Equal Vision Appliance's Store" tomorrow as well he knew he'd start to consider quitting.

He knew this was revenge for his spontaneous and reckless decision to suddenly dye his hair a multicoloured graffiti esque mess. His boss was most likely trying to get him to quit, or at least hide him from the public.

Why the appliances store's hours stretched to 2:30 am, he couldn't possibly tell you. No one ever came in, excluding the homeless guy he ushered in for a coffee and some biscuits the store had in the back every night he was there, and most of what he did was clean and heave storage around. He also was known to answer the odd prank call from time to time

His phone went off again.

'What time are you leaving? Maybe I'll catch you, give you a goodbye kiss ;)'

There was nothing more in the world Awsten wanted than that goodbye kiss but he knew he couldn't have it. His already bad mood continue to foul.

'I wish, but I'm heading off now :( . Give me a hello kiss at 3 am maybe?'

Awsten turned for his bag but before he could even grasp it the entire room was flashing. He was frozen. That was only the beginning of the ordeal. The ground began to shake and the walls span at a speed to fast for him to process.

It was like a hurricane had torn itself through the fairy lights section of a store and he was directly in eye. Almost as if he was chosen to experience the momentous and impossible situation. Someone had once informed him that within the eye of a hurricane, there was calm. He wasn't very calm.

His stomach felt uneasy and he vaguely wondered how awful his lunch would taste as it climbed up his throat. He assumed he wouldn't have to wonder for much longer.

He pressed his eyes shut. Overwhelmed by the sickening lights display but his eyelids could only do so much.

And then it was over.

It was dark. Quiet. Still.

His eyes fluttered open only to be met with a blinding white landscape.

"What on fucking Earth," He muttered.

Was this some Bermuda triangle bullshit and somehow he'd been transported from his living room to Antarctica within the span of 2 minutes?

Though, he supposed that the Antarctic would be absolutely freezing at the very least and he didn't feel a change in temperature at all. He supposed he was in shock, but as he dug his fingers into the 'snow' he found it didn't feel much like snow at all. If anything, it felt like plastic.

He heaved himself up only to be met with his own living room. Except, it was distorted and if he hadn't lived there himself, Awsten would assume absolute giants habited the room. He walked towards the seen only to walk straight into glass causing to him to fall on his ass.

He got up, yet again, and looked down at his room, placing a hand on the glass in total confusion.

He couldn't understand what had just occurred, this couldn't possibly be real, right? This must be some fever dream he was having. He must of fainted when he began to see lights and hit his head pretty hard on the floor. He rubbed the back of his head but didn't he couldn't feel any pain but he guessed he wouldn't, with him dreaming and all.

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