2. Death

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He didn't belive in God. He saw too many things, which made him throw up, to belive in some great power that help us all. He belived in Death though. Saw men die in the dark aisles. Killed some of them himself. Felt the cold and the pain. He belived in Death because she offered him her hand, cold and painful, so many times... And every time he refused her, and every time she wasn't pleased. 

A piece of advice to the future... When it's dark and quiet, no wind, no whisper, watch your back. There can be shadow following you, waiting for the opportunity to stab you in the back. Literally. This lesson has Matthias learned a long time ago. He was holdig a knife in his pocket and to better feeling had a gun behind a belt. But that didn't prepare him either. 

He got down second before the dagger reached his head. He heard a silent thunk! as it fell to the ground. But his eyes was on the person who threw it. 

"Oh Matty...You just can't do things the easier way." Voice sweet as honey and Matthias knew the owner. And knew that he was screwed. 

"It keeps me alive... Or at least it did."

William gave him one of his cute smiles and started to slowly walk towards him.

"Good job in the Capital by the way... Didn't know you are so good at teamwork.I thought you are more of a lone wolf." He laughed at his own joke and continued, "No, no don't get me wrong, I really admire how you did it. Using the sewer instead of the roof? Smart. Unfortunately, you sold the treasure to the wrong person. I'm giving you the chance to explain it so you better take it. Your cute little mate didn't."

Matthias' heart sank. Jesper... that fool.

"You son of a bitch." He let out in silent whisper that sounded too much as a cry for his own good.

William stopped in front of him. His green eyes were looking at him behind the dark hair clearly amused. Matthias loved those eyes once... Before he learned what it took to make them spark.

"Wow! Watch your tongue. It would be such a shame to loose it."

In that very moment Matthias wanted to kill him. To torture him, watch how would that stupid smirk leave his pretty face.

"What did you do?" He asked with clenched jaw. William looked at him, confused, like it was weird question to ask.

"What I had to. Oh, don't look at me like that! You knew the risk."

Oh, he will kill him. He will torture him. William will beg him to stop.

"What do you want?" Matthias didn't want to play this perverted game no longer. He knew the man in front of him too well. More than he would like. He was a complete psychopath but he was damn good at his job. He knew eveyone in this dirty city, every man, every woman. He knew what was everyone's strenght, same as he knew what was everyone's weakness. And he knew Matthias more than anyone. Matthias hated him for it. There were days when he thought that he found happiness and love. He was so naive. He trusted him with everything he was and everything he had only to be used to do the dirty work, to loose his sanity.

"I have a job for you." 

Because of course he knew that Matthias was the best in the field. He killed Jesper. Like he killed everyone. 

"Nothing you can't do. Just the painting of Hoskins from the Saint Isabelle's age. They are auction it off in a week. A plenty of time for you to mourn your friend and get ready."

Matthias stayed silent. The knife in his pocket felt heavy but he couldn't do anything. He escaped death too many times to die in some dirty aisle like rat.

"Of course you will have 2% of the profit. I think that's 20 000 credits, give or take." William looked at him with expectation of some reaction. He didn't get one. Matthias has sold his soul to the same devil so many times that he wasn't sure if he had some left. And Jesper was dead. He didn't have a reason to refuse. But he wanted to be finally free. He wanted to turn around and never look at William's face again. He knew that he won't even make three steps and he will be dead. That was why he looked him deep into the eyes and kept his silent.

"Do we have a deal?" William was clearly annoyed that he had to asked and reached a hand towards him. 

Hand in glove. Matthias took a good look at that hand. It was the only evidence he needed. Jesper was right. Even people like William had weakness. 

When he lifted his eyes again, he didn't look at the man. He looked at the end of aisle.

And there she was. Cold and painful as always, dressed in black with reached hand. He saw her many times. He refused her, insulted her...was afraid of her. But in that moment, when she reached her arm and smiled... For the fist time she looked beautiful. 

Matthias finally looked into William's eyes. He was still waiting for the answer and he is going to recive one. Matthias' grip tighted around the knife.

He didn't belive in God. There was no heaven waiting for him. But he belived in Death. And he knew that right there, in the dark aisle, when she smiled at him she belived in him too.

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