3. The Wolf Howl

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"What do you mean not enough?" Alec tried really hard. He did. But his voice was too high anyway.

"I mean that you walk there, they kill you, end of the story. Not prepared enough." Adam didn't even try to look at him. He was throwing the things form table to his bag, pretending he is looking for something.

"You know I'll be there anyway, right?" Alec asked. He was trying to make sense of it all,he did. But it just didn't make any. One second they are around the table above everything they tried to put together the last month. The next, Adam's telling him to stay away. 

"You won't. I don't care how you gonna do that. Just... Stay away." Adam reached for the last paper. 

Just stay away? What the hell was this about?

Alec was new bitten. That was true. The last month he tried to master as much as possible... and he was terrible at it. He still didn't know how much speed he was capable of, didn't know how strong he really was, how much have his senses improved... But he was getting better! He was prepared enogh! He was not some little pup. 

He moved quickly. He slammed his hand on the table, right on the paper and when Adam finally lifted his gaze to meet his eyes, he flashed them, green changed to glowing silver.

"Tell me one good reason why would I do that." He almost flinched at the sound of his voice, now too similar to growl. Almost being the key word. 

Adam's eyes changed. The ice blue switched to glowing gold. His pupils got thiner, more wild. He bared his teeth which, by blink of an eye, turned into sharp fangs. When he spoke, his voice was even deeper than Alec's.

"What about the fact that I'm not asking. It's an order. You. Are. Not. Coming."

Alec knew people who would run and hide at the look of Adam. Frightening...they would say. And Alec knew he should be afraid to. The boy in front of him definitely were not some innocent teenager. But despite everything, all he could think about was... beautiful. And unbeliveably stubborn, of course.

He didn't back up. He didn't run and hide. He stood his ground, changed back to human, only his eyes still flashing.

"So we are playing Alpha, Beta, Omega now?"

Within a second, there were a boy standing again. Ice blue eyes, white teeth, black hair...ghost of the past hanging above him.

"You are not coming."

And that was the end of discussion.

"Isn't it funny, how quickly the night changes?" Voice sweet as honey spoke up.

"What do you want? And be quick about it." Adam wasn't in the right mood. He couldn't stop thinking about Alec's brave silver eyes. Damn, that boy didn't even flinch!

"You know... Beside the fact that Alec marched away like a fucking little baby, I wouldn't notice that something is wrong. But the fact, that you are locked up in your room like a fucking teenager... It makes me really worried about you."

Silias... was an asshole almost every second of his life. But right now, under the sarcasm and michevious smile was a honest concern. Not about Adam though.

"I'm not using him." He said sharply before Silias could continue.

"And you want me to belive that."

"We talked about this Silias. In multiple occasions actually. He is part of my pack. I would be really shitty Alpha if I would let anything happen to him." Adam said with clear annoyance in his voice. He turned his back to him, hoping he would take the hint and leave. This whole situation was ridiculous. He was being doubted! And by a human! This really wasn't Tritan style. 

"Oh, I see. And we all belive it because the only way how to protect him, is sending him to mission with us. Mission, where he will most likely die. We can call it suicide mission if you like. How can I not see it? He will be so safe there...."

"Are you done?" Adam interrupted him. Frustration, annoyance, everything was gone. He was now staring at Silias with empty eyes. 

"I told him to stay away. He is not coming."

In any other situation would the surprise in Silias face priceless. But not now.

"You did what now?"

"I told him to stay away. I know how little you think of me, but belive it or not, I really do care about him. " 

Before any of them  could continue the door flew open.

"Where is he?" Lyra appeared out of nowhere. Her red hair and spark in the eyes made her look a little crazy. When noone answered he asked again. A little too loud.

"Where is Alec?" 

"We don't know." 

"You don't know... That's. Just. Perfect."

"Why?" Adam asked with no emotion. Or at least he tried. But there was this bad feeling forming in his guts, the kind he didn't like at all.

"I need to talk to him about tomorrow." The feeling turned into irritation. 

"And why would he come?" 

This pack was mess. He should have realized it a long time ago. This pack was just one big chaos and somehow he was always in the middle of it. 

Lyra pierced them with her eyes and like she is talking to children she asked:

"What did you tell him?" 

"Lyra, cut it. You know he is not prepared for it yet." Silias spoke up calmly.

"Is not prepared? What are you guys talking about? Sure, he doesn't throw fists like you Adam but he has done the work. He can do this."

"And how exactly?" Adam asked, clear doubt in his voice.

"Talking." She didn't notice how absurd it sounds until she saw Silias' and Adam's small smiles.

"No, I'm serious! That little pup has a silver tongue."

"Lyra," now it was Adam's turn to speak as he is speaking to a child. "We are talking about vampires. Do you really think that talking will work?"

"No, I think that Alec's talking will work. Give him a chance."

"I won't risk his life like that." Adam said and assumed that was the end of discussion.

"You are underrating him Adam. He is n-"

"I am protecting him Lyra! I saved his life with my bite and pulled him into this mess. I won't let anything happen to him ever again. How many times do I have to repeat that?"

Adam knew that they won't shut it now. So he just left the room. 

"Did he just... let out an emotion?" Silias asked looking at the door flung open.

"Silias...Sometimes your stupidness is just immeasurable."

"What do you mean?" 

Lyra sighed and closed her eyes. If it was true, they are in bigger mess than any of them could have imagine. Alec was an unplanned incident. A mistake. If a good one or bad one... they can't risk a bad one. There is just no time for that.

"I mean that...they are mates, Silias. And I'm not really sure if it's our salvation or our doom."

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