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"I can't believe we're actually going!" Taehyung cheered in his first class seat as the plane was taking off.
"I know! It's amazing!" Hobi jumped up and down like a five-year-old, making Minho fondly smile from ear to ear.
"And I have to tell you," Jungkook smiled and turned to Hobi, "Brilliant use of our prizes!"
They high-fived.
Hobi had remembered they'd actually won some sort of travel stipend at the Olympics, ment to cover five years international flights to different games, but he had negotiated a handfull of first class tickets instead to be used within a year, which the company gladly accepted as a trade, making this trip a lot cheaper than expected.
A lot.
Taehyung had seriously started to investigate how much chartering a jet would actually cost, when their, for security reasons, required first class tickets to London started to spiral out of control, money-wise. 'Cause it was on the cusp of being just as expensive with their own freaking plane, but since Minho and Hobi had decided to visit with Minho's family in San Diego before returning home, he abandoned that idea.
And then Hobi went and solved it so neatly, all they had to pay was their hotel rooms.
Which weren't cheap either.
Due to, well, New Years, and, again, security requirements.

Jin and Namjoon had declined to come with, for several cloudy reasons, Taehyung suspected the main one beeing simply to get some alone time.
And Yoongi had to work, to his utter displeasement and malcontent. But the project he was actually getting paid for, had hit a snag and the deadline was fast approaching.
He had no choice.
Jangmi'd had a frecken meltdown when she realised they wouldn't be going.
He really needed to end things with her, but he hadn't the time.
Or so he said.
They all thought that was a bit of an excuse, but, his pants, his problem.

"Look at these pictures Jimin sent!" Taehyung exclaimed and turned his surf pad so they could see.
"Holy cow!" Jungkook snatched it so he could take a better look.
"I'm starting to feel a little bit self-conscious all of a sudden." Minho cofessed and cleared his voice, pretending to right his nonexistent tie.
"Haha," Hobi laughed, "oh, you're serious!" he realised and viped the smile off his face and reached for Minho.

"Haha," Hobi laughed, "oh, you're serious!" he realised and viped the smile off his face and reached for Minho

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"Are you gonna go all alpha-male and draw swords and challenge him to a duel to the death over Hobi's affections?" Tae asked with thinly veiled anticipation

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"Are you gonna go all alpha-male and draw swords and challenge him to a duel to the death over Hobi's affections?" Tae asked with thinly veiled anticipation.
"O, would you?" Jungkook begged.
"No!" Minho laughed
"Could you at least give him an indian burn?" Jungkook pleaded, disappointed.
"Jungkook!" Tae slapped him, "It's called criss-cross apple sauce burn now!"
"Kidding." Tae laughed, "But I heard one of the kids in my art class call it that, probably 'cause that's what they call sitting cross-legged now."
Minho died, "Omomomo!" he wiped his eyes, "Imma have to tell my sister that, she's a kindergarten teacher and a yoga instructor!"
"What did they call it before, then?" Jungkook doed, not getting it. At all.
"Indian style." Tae smiled.
Hobi was staring off into space with an open mouth, not listening, dreaming.
"I would like to know where Hobi Wan just went," Jungkook said, changing the subject, "seems like an interesting place, if you know what I mean." he nodded towards Hobi.
"Huh?" Hobi had to gather the saliva threatening to escape his mouth.
"Where did you go?" Tae asked.
"Erhum, mud wrestling." Hobi confessed, "Naked, mud wrestling."
"O," Tae quieted, looking Minho over.
"Yah!" Jungkook slapped him, half-heartedly, as he was also eying Minho.
"Oh, come on!" Minho protested.
"You would totally win." Hobi assured him.
"Yeah!" Minho nodded, enthusiastically, "Obviously. I'm twice his height and three times as heavy. But I object to being objectified like this!" he motioned towards them all.
"Hm?" Taehyung, may or may not, have drooled.
"I'm not talking to you anymore!" Minho sulked and turned away from them, looking out the window.
"What!" Taehyung whined, "We just wanna see you naked! Please? Pl-eease?"
Minho turned to him and stuck his tongue out and turned back, struggling to keep his smile from breaking out.
"He's good-looking naked, isn't he?" Tae stage whispered to Hobi.
"Sheah, you have no idea!" Hobi salivated, swooning over his man.
"You know," Jungkook started, drawing the words out, "in all fairness, we should definitely get to see you naked, since Hobi's seen us naked..."
"Yeah, and in the middle of!" Tae continued, hope in his voice.
"Nope." Hobi shook his head, "Not happening. You're not barging in on us! We're even, and that's that."
"Sorry," Minho said, leaning back into the conversation, "but are we twelve? "
All three of them nodded.
"Ok." Minho laughed, "Then I have to tell you, we're not even. I've seen them naked,"
"YOU HAVE?" Hobi lost his cool.
"Come on!" Jungkook said, "Of course he has. Everyone has."
"Oh." Hobi realised, yeah, he probably had, "But that wasn't irl!" he argued, "Was it?" he asked at the side of his mouth.
"I'd settle for a dicpic?" Tae shrugged.
"OMG NO!" Hobi laughed, "Out of the question! You'll just have to use your imagination."
"Ok." Tae said and raked his eyes over Minho's body, biting his lower lip.
"OMG!" Hobi tried to slap him but couldn't reach over the aisle, "STOP snacking on my man, he's mine!" he giggled.
"You said!" Tae complained, pouting.
The seatbelt sign dinged and turned dark, finally, and Jungkook was out of his seat and pushing himself down beside Tae in two seconds flat, kissing him.
"Did I make you jealous?" Tae whispered.
"Little bit." Jungkook admitted.
"I'm sorry, baby." Tae cupped his cheek, turning his back to the others, "I didn't mean to."
"It's just," Jungkook looked down and kept on whispering, "I mean, I really like the guy and he's totally hot, but," he raised his eyes, "he's so fucking impressive, and grown up, and manly and, I'm feeling a little bit inadequate compared to him." he shrugged, embarrased.
"You and me both." Taehyung smiled and lowered his whisper "I have to hand it to our friend, though, he's got some balls for daring to, you know?"
"Oh, thank God!" Kook sighed and kissed Tae again, "I thought I was the only one!"
"Uh-uhm." Tae shook his head, smiling, "I'm so lucky I get to love you, be with you. Think about it, how would you even? You know? Get into that situation with someone who isn't you? Now? If you had to?"
"I honestly have no idea." Jungkook laughed, "You and I falling in love and getting together was so, natural. At least for me."
"Organic." Tae agreed, smiling, "I love you so much, baby."
"I love you, too, my cute, little alien." Jungkook pecked his nose.
"Naaw," Hobi swooned, "look at the little kittens being all fluffy and stuff."
"Shut up." Jungkook laughed.

Given that they weren't going to stay in London that many days, Bonbon had suggested they stay up the night before leaving and sleep on the plane instead. That way, hopefully, they'd trick the jetlag a bit and not risk falling asleep during Jimin's performance the following night.
Might still happen, but, they would at least try.
He was talking to the cabin crew right now, to set it up as a night flight, even if it was actually an early day flight.
"Ok, people," Bonbon yawned and stretched his arms over his head, "since it's just the six of us here, we can go night night now if we want."
"Is it ok if we sleep in the same chair?" Jungkook asked the flight attendant, handing out blankets, pillows, and night gowns to them all.
"Of course." she smiled, "But won't you be uncomfortable?"
"Uh-uhm." both Jungkook and Taehyung said, shaking their heads.
"Well, all right," she kept smiling, "would you like something to eat before going to sleep, or?"
"O, I'd like a Bahn Mi and a cider, please?" Taehyung asked.
"Make that two." Jungkook nodded. He could eat.
"Four." Hobi chimed in, motioning to Minho and himself.
"Well, I'm off to sleep." Bonbon said and went to get changed into jammies in the quite roomy bathroom they had at their disposal.
Bikram had slept the night and was on 'night watch', and would stay on that schedule for the whole journey, lucky bastard.
"You do realise," Hobi yawned, it was contagious, "we actually will have gone a full turn around the globe when we return home?" he turned to Minho and shivered.
"Yeah," Minho held his hand out for Hobi to take, "it'll probably take six months to get rid of the jetlag." he giggled apologetically.
Hobi transferred himself to Minho's lap and kissed him, "I'll take years of jetlag if I get to spend them with you." he whispered, "And, I really want to meet your family!" he smiled.
"God, you're beautiful!" Minho gasped and touched Hobi's face softly with his fingers, he was always struck by his beauty. It shone like a diamond, catching his eye over and over again.
"My handsome man," Hobi growled and wound his arms around his neck, "I'm so in love with you!" he fitted his mouth to Minho's, getting more than a little worked up.
"Food is here." Jungkook warned.
"I can't get up." Hobi gasped-giggled in Minho's ear, "I'm hard as a rock." he confessed.
"Hrmng." Minho sounded, caught off guard by the confession and turned on by it, but just shuffled Hobi around in his lap to a more comfortable position.
"Thank you." Minho said to the flight attendant as she set up a table to the side of them.
"You're welcome." she smiled.
"Am I embarrassing you?" Hobi wondered a bit worried.
"Not at all, my love!" Minho assured him, "It's just," he lowered his voice, "I don't like giving random people a view into our personal lives, that's all. It's just a hang up I have." he shrugged, "I don't know, it probably stems from not letting slip any information 'the other side' might be able to use somehow. Occupational hasard." he shrugged again and lowered his voice even more, "I rather like having you on my lap like this." he confessed, "I always want to feel you up." he put his forehead against Hobi's, "And kiss you, but I excercise heroic restraint and control myself around other people, don't you think?"
Hobi whipped his head back and laughed, "My hero." he complimented and went back to kissing him.

Taehyung and Jungkook had gotten ready for bed and were snuggled up i the converted seat when Hobi returned from the bathroom a while later, "OMG, look at these cute little kittens!" he cooed, "Imma need a picture of this!" he giggled and got his phone out.
"I'm sorry we won't fit in one chair like these two, my love." he sighed by way of Minho.
"Me too, darling." Minho sighed back. "Me too."
There was just no way. He had trouble fitting just by himself. He pulled Hobi down on his lap again and whispered in his ear, "I love to hold you in my arms when we sleep. Love. It."
Hobi kissed him, "I love it when you do." he smiled, "I love you."
"Are we there, yet?" Minho sighed, wistfully.
"Soon, my love," Hobi promised, "soon."


Actual footage of Taekook sharing their seat.

Actual footage of Taekook sharing their seat

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