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Yoongi was sat across from Jangmi, regretting, things.
Why had he?
This didn't.
He sighed.
Trying to break up with her over a drink in public wasn't gonna work.
This time either.
He raised his glass to Jangmi in a defeated cheer, thinking back to last time.

"Jangmi," he'd sighed, "I," his phone'd cut him off, startling him.
It was, what he called his 911-number that only Team Dick had access to, "Yeah." he'd answered, and stood up, freaking out, when Minho'd told him Jin had been beaten almost to death and was in hospital, "Where?" he'd asked, and taken off without a thought in his head, leaving the restaurant and Jangmi just like that.
Outside he'd tried to get a cab, but'd realised the hospital was only a couple of blocks away and' started running instead, wanting to get to the people closest to him, the people he loved, as quickly as possible.

He'd been working like a flipping maniac ever since.
Day and night.
Getting all the online things to work for them.
Writing code like a freaking hacker trying to get into Fort Knox or something.
Fixing things.
Developing new features to chase porn-criminals.
Yeah, and, you know, doing what he was paying himself to do, ontop of that also.
And Jangmi had been really sweet and supportive these last few weeks.
Making sure he had what he needed.
He felt himself soften as he looked at her across the table.
She was so beautiful.
And they did have fun.
And she did take care of him good.
At times.
He sighed again.
It didn't seem fair to end things with her, right now.
Not when he'd had to cancel their trip to England at the last minute and everything.
Naturally, she'd been upset by that, having had to re-arrange a whole lot of stuff in her own business because of it.
He'd suggested she'd go without him, but, she wasn't comfortable enough with his friends by herself yet, she said.
And he got it.
She'd only met them a couple of times so far, because of, everything and going on a long trip with practically strangers wasn't perhaps his idea of a good time either.
So he got it.
Maybe breaking up with her was just another one of his fix ideas?
He got them sometimes.
And had a hard time of letting go of them.
Stubborn as he was.

"Is everything ok, Yoongi?" Jangmi asked softly, looking more beautiful than ever before, as her worry shined through.
He sighed, yet again, "I'm working myself into the ground." he exhaled, suddenly a bit sad about it, "I'm sorry if I'm an asshole right now." he heard himself say, to his own surprise.
"It's ok, baby." she said, with a whisper of a smile, "Things are, taxing, for you right now. I understand that." she nodded, "And they're your family. I get it."
"They are." Yoongi agreed, "I'm," his voice cracked and he had to shake his head.
It was hard for him.
Having the people he loved so dearly be in the line of fire like this.
Being hated and despised for something they had no control over and that shouldn't even matter in the first place!
He wanted to protect them.
Have them safe.
Guard them from becoming jaded and bitter.
Like he was.
They were his shining gems, reminding him of all the good things in the world and he would fucking kill anyone who'd try to destroy their preciousness, their uniqueness!
He growled involuntarily.
Jangmi took his hand, "It does them honour, your loyalty." she nodded.
"Thank you." Yoongi huffed, trying to get his emotions under control and took a big gulp of his gin and tonic to keep his tears at bay.
She gave his knuckles a quick peck and let his hand go.
"Take a walk by the river with me?" she suggested and started to get up.
"Ok." Yoongi agreed and took out a couple of bills he left on the table.

They walked slowly, in silence by the dark river cutting through the city.
Yoongi put his arm around her and she rested her head against his chin.
"It's really beutiful out here." he sighed, stopping, looking out over the shimmering city, reflecting off the dark, slow moving, water in a bit of a distorted way, tickling his fantasy.
Making him want to develop a completely new game, from scratch, taking place right here, in the dark mysterious night of his home town.
"Mm." Jangmi agreed, softly, creeping a little bit closer to him.
"Are you cold?" he wondered, recognising the signs.
"Just a tad." she admitted.
He held her closer and decided he wanted to kiss her.
So he did.

He wanted to tell her he loved her.
But he didn't.
'Cause he wanted to mean it.
Be sure that he ment it.
And that it wasn't just her beauty and the magic of the night that made him want to say it.
So he didn't.
He thought he heard her sigh but she turned to him, leaned into him, looking up, "My place?" she wondered, eyes big and endless, inscrutable.
He nodded.
And kissed her again.

She didn't turn on the lights when they got in, just took him by the hand and led him towards the bedroom.
He let himself be led.
Gently she started to unbutton his shirt and he felt his heart do a little jump when her eyes seemed to shine, even from the faint light seeping through her white linnen curtains in the otherwise dark room.
He let his hand stroke her cheek, continuing on into her impossibly soft hair, before pulling her close and fitting his mouth to hers.
Usually, there was taunting, egging, tantalising actions deliberately ment to arouse each of them.
Not tonight.
Tonight there was only fingertips on skin, lips on lips, tasting, caressing, softness.

He layed her down on the bed, holding her carefully with an arm around her shoulders, letting his right hand travel over her body, feeling her breast under his fingers, almost sobbing at the silken feel.
He kissed his way down her neck, between her breasts, over her belly, nibbling her hipbone.
He wanted her to come before he took her.
So he made his tongue into an arrow and put it slightly above her most sensitive spot, teasing her a little.
Being rewarded by a sharp intake of air as she tensed her whole body.
She was completely hairless and he got off on that for some reason.
He let his fingernails scratch the backside of her thigh, gently pushing it out to the side as he let himself taste her for the first time.
"Hhhhh." she shivered and arched her back, unable to stay still.
She started moving her hips, helping him find the places that gave her the most pleasure.
He placed his middle finger at her entrance, letting his tongue explore and felt her become ready as she welcomed his finger into her and he curled it upwards, mirroring the movements of his tongue.
"Oh!" she tensed up and he felt her soft walls start to clench around his finger but didn't let up on his motions, "Hooooohhh!" she started shivering as she came from his tongue.
He didn't stop 'til she tried to tilt her pelvis away, having gotten enough stimulation for now.
So he licked a wet trail up her belly as he sheathed himself, hooking his arm under her leg, feeling like he had his whole body sliding through a water slide, coated with lube, he almost had trouble breathing, it felt so good.
He bent down and kissed her, thrusting faster, feeling her run her hands over his back, gripping the hair at the back of his neck, meeting his thrusts with her own, kissing him senseless.
Holy shit!
What was going on?
He rested his head on the matress beside her and went faster, and faster, and, why couldn't he come?
He changed his position ever so slightly.
"HOOOhhh my God, Jang-mihhh!" he shuddered apart.
He felt her squeeze around him again.
"Shit!" he panted.
"Hn." she breathed and kissed him on the top of his ear, the place she could reach.

Yoongi felt like he'd been pulled out through himself.
Turned inside out.
He wanted to be alone, right now.
Have a moment to disect this feeling.
Figure out what it ment.
For him.
So he decided to stay the night.
Don't at him.
He was sick, ok?
He let himself pretend fall asleep.
'Cause he didn't want to talk.
And he would figure this out in the morning.
"Don't at me." he mumbled, nuzzling his head into the bed, trying to shut the world out, himself out, off his head.

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