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Hobi was standing out on their patio, leaning his elbows on the artisanal stone wall, looking at the ocean before him, lost in thought. He loved it here.
Loved. It.
And not just this fantastic hotel they were staying at, everything.
The people.
The air.
Oh, God, Minho!
Just thinking about him almost made him cry. He was such a beautiful human being. So well rounded.
Smart, and funny, and kind.
Warm and tender and totally ice cold sharp when he had to.
Hobi sighed.
He had been offered, on the spot, a very lucrative position as assistent coach at the UCSD when Sangwook, being an alumni of the field team, had taken them there to play around with Charlie who'd demanded 'Hobiki' teach her how to fly, and the present head coach had spotted them, almost falling over backwards when he realised it was the current olympic gold medalist who, laughingly, with a child clinging on his back, securely held in place with a tie-dyed shawl, just sailed over the bar at the pole vault pit.
Allbeit, perhaps not, world record hights, this precise moment. On account of 'the backpack'. And the fact he had to land on his feet, because of that same reason.
But still.
Hobi was very tempted to take the offer.
To say the least.
He also really wanted things to change back home and, shit, he and Minho were kinda important in bringing about that change, he felt sort of certain.
Minho perhaps more so than he himself, but, he had a role to play, if he wanted to.
And he did.
He sighed again.
He really did believe he had a responsibility to use his leverage at this precise moment in time to do some good.
But, damn, he wanted a life too.
An off the rack, normal, life with the man of his dreams and two kids. Approximately.
And he could very easily have that over here.
No bother.
Just marry Minho, coach, and take care of the kids, without any crazy.
Why was everything so God damned difficult?

He heard Minho join him outside and turned his head, smiling, being ridiculously in love as he were.
"I have a surprise for you." Minho said, holding his hands behind his back, looking, mischievous.
"Please don't be holding a snake?" Hobi pleaded, "I hate snakes."
"No snake." Minho promised, "Just, this." he held out a black velvet ringbox and got down on one knee.
"Omo!" Hobi clasped his hands over his mouth, moved them to his cheeks and held his breath.
"Jung Hoseok," Minho had to swallow, "you are the man of my dreams, every fantasy come to life and," his eyes began to glisten, "I have loved you from the moment we met." he had to collect himself, "I don't like to rush in, but," he smiled, crookedly, "I've never been more sure about anything in my life! You are the one I want to spend the rest of my days with, the one I want to live getting to know better than I'll ever know anyone. I love you, more than I can say, Jung Hoseok. Will you do me the incredible honour of becoming my husband?"
"Yes." Hobi croaked, "Omg, Yes!" Hobi kneeled before him.
"I can't promise you a fairytale," Minho smiled crookedly,
"You heard me?" Hobi asked, breathlessly.
Minho nodded, eyes shining with love, "But I can promise you, I'll choose you, be with you, love you, be boring with you, go on adventures with you, make a home with you, build a life and a family with you for as long as we both shall want to."
"Well, forever." Hobi made a quick tilt of his head, smiling.
"Yes." Minho agreed, "Definitely. But I thought we should stay away from locking eachother in with stiff contracts 'nd such and rather promise to remember to make a consciuos choice now and again." Minho smiled like a buffoon.
"Thou art so wise, my love." Hobi smiled, putting his hands on Minho's cheeks, "My darling Minho," the tears came as a surprise to Hobi, but he just let them fall, "let's love, freely, live, freely, choose, freely, together. For the rest of our lives."
"Yes." Minho breathed and placed the ring on Hobi's finger and magically produced one more that he let fall into Hobi's palm.
"Be my husband, please. Marry me?" Hobi whispered as he threaded it on Minho's finger.
"Yes." Minho said on a sob, "Oh, God, Yes." and reached for Hobi, kissing him.
Minho put his arms around Hobi's butt and lifted him into his lap, holding him tight.
"We should slow down." Hobi gasped, finding himself almost swallowing Minho whole, it was starting to hurt his mouth, and his tongue was streched to the limit.
"Mm." Minho agreed but attacked his mouth again, pressing Hobi against him with his forearms between his shoulder blades, "But I can't." he confessed, "I'm so in love with you, and I'm so happy right now!" he was babbling, "And I want you." his voice dropped two octaves and Hobi's cock instantly stood in attention.
"I have never known anyone who could turn me on as fast as you," Hobi slobbered, "You, make, I," he tried to make sense but his mind had gone home for the day, "I want to make love to you like this." he suddenly found his words, "Right now, right here." he streched Minho's t-shirt over his shoulder and and placed a searing hot, wet, kiss on his collarbone, and hastily pulled it over Minho's head, baring his upper body, touching his silky smooth skin with his fingertips. "I love how your skin feels like the most, exhuberant, balm against my fingers." he whispered before letting his lips travel from Minho's neck all the way out to his fingertips, "How you taste like the most exquisite fruit, that only I can taste." he moaned and kissed the palm of his hand. "The scent of you is the sweetest perfume, it intoxicates me. I can never get enough." he held his hands on either side of Minho's head, looking straight into his soul, "You have given me a part of myself I didn't know I had. I love you."
Minho could've sworn they fused together when Hobi's lips met his and they kissed, creating a whole new being consisting of both of them, blended together but somehow bigger than the whole.
"Make love to me." Minho felt Hobi's words, rather than heard them, "Always." he answered, maybe wordless, he must have rid Hobi of his t-shirt, 'cause he was now naked from the waist up and his hands had never left Minho's neck.
He tipped Hobi backwards, very gently, kissing him, supporting his head with one of his hands, letting the other one caress it's way down, hooking his fingers in the lining of his shorts, pulling them down, not loosing eye contact for one second.
One way or another he got out of his own and ever so carefully placed himself at Hobi's entrance.
All he could see was Hobi's eyes.
All that mattered was the connection between their souls, craving eye contact, communicating by eye contact.
He saw the reverant feeling he felt, as he sheathed himself, in Hobi's eyes.
With his free hand he pushed them up, supporting Hobi's back with the hand that'd never left, 'til they were seated upright, Hobi in his lap, legs around eachother's backs.
Creating a cocoon just for them.
They didn't move for what felt like eons.
Just sat.
As close as they could get.
Looking into eachother, revealing every corner of their innermost nooks and crannies, having no fear, only certainty.
Hobi felt how something freed itself from within and waves of pleasure flooded him, craning over the top and came crashing down, splashing over them both.
They weren't moving but somehow, tension was building up in their groins, racing through their bodies, faster and faster, until they were both shaking, shuddering, like two vulcanos about to erupt.
And they did.
Over and over again.
Breathing heavy with their mouths wide open.
Still connected, mind, body, and soul.
Immersed in eachother's gazes.
Time lost all meaning.
It was just them.
The world could've ended and they wouldn't have noticed.
Nothing was relevant except this connection.
Their love.
And just when they thought it couldn't get anymore magical, a huge surge, ripped the remaining parts of them out, ending it all with a big crescendo, sounding a giant gong, squeezing them together, almost knocking them out.

When Hobi came to they were hanging over eachother's shoulders, heaving, panting, compleating-an-entire-olympics-level spent, "What the hell just happened?" he croaked out.
"I have no idea." Minho confessed, "But I'm so here for it." he chuckled on a gasp.

They hadn't been able to stay more than two inches away from eachother the rest of that day, practically joined at the hip, drunk on eachother's presence, still feeling the remnants of the gong chiming in the distance, like a low steady hum in the background.
Not even when they went for their couples massage later on were they able to stop touching.
"I'm sorry," Hobi giggled when their holding hands got in the way of the massage therapists, "we just got engaged and I'm so happy!" he excused himself.
"Naaww!" the therapists cooed, "Congratulations!"
"Thank you." Minho said, eyes shining with love, looking at his man, "I'm the most fortunate man on the planet." he bragged.
"Noo," Hobi giggled, "that would be me."
"Naaww!" both therapists swooned, "When are you getting married?" one of them asked.
"As soon as we're able." Minho smiled, loading the answer with underlying meaning for only Hobi to pick up on.

Hobi smiled, remembering, now lying in Minho's arms, this last night before flying back.
That low hum was still present and he turned to kiss Minho on his chest, "I've never felt more at ease, more whole, more, me, than I do right now, my love." he sighed, happily.
"I know what you mean," Minho looked at him, smiling from ear to ear, "I feel, fulfilled." he pecked Hobi's lips, "And I've been doing some google research, and," he chuckled, "I think we might have accidentially invented tantra, baby."
"Yeah?" Hobi lifted his head, grinning like a fool.
"Mm." Minho laughed softly, "Says here it takes years of practise and hours of meditation to prepare and a perfect balance of male and female energy."
"Oh, really?" Hobi grabbed Minho's phone and read the text himself, "Well, I'll be damned!" he laughed, "Switch FTW!"

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