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It's been a few weeks since I ran into Tobias in town and I haven't seen him since. I have spent most of my time with Tristan. He has been training  me to enhance my abilities and so far it's been going brilliantly. I am a perfect shot, can fight way better than I'd ever dreamed of and can sense supernatural creatures with ease. I feel powerful and strong. That girl who got teased for all those years at school didn't exist anymore. It was all due to Tristan. He has supported me and guided me. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

"Essie, I brought your favourite ice-cream!" Tristan's voice boomed through the front door as I he approached me. I ripped the salted caramel ice-cream from his arms and worshipped the cold tub. I ran to the kitchen and plopped it into the fridge.

"Thank you so much. After training we can eat the whole tub whilst watching pitch perfect" He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Again. We've watched that film at least five times now." His shoulder nudged mine as we walked out of the manor and towards the training ring.

"But it's my favourite film Tris. Pretty Please." I made a puppy dog face as we got into our fighting stances.

"Fine, but only if you can beat me. GO!"

Tristan launched forwards. His hands curled into fists as he went for a right hook. I quickly blocked it and ducked the kick that he sent to my head. My leg swept out as I kicked his ankles. He stumbled backwards as I got back up into my fighting stance. I made the first move this time. My foot connected with his nose, resulting in a satisfying crunch as I clambered on top of him. My knee pressed into his throat as I counted to three. 

I jumped off of him and helped him to his feet. His hands were cupping his nose as blood leaked from it at an alarming rate. He applied a bit of pressure and another crack sounded as his nose re-aligned itself.

"That was 43 seconds faster than last time. You are getting slow old man." A chuckle rumbled from his chest as he wiped the blood away with a towel.

"I'm only 3 years older than you, and you are a very good fighter." His arm wrapped around my shoulder as he led me towards the shooting range.

Every bullet of mine hit bullseye and only a few of Tristan's made it into the inner ring. He was never that good of a shot. Luckily for him he was very smart. He had a plan for everything and they were always fools proof.

"Hey Essie, I think you are ready. Tonight after our film why don't I take you on your first rogue mission?"

Rouges were cruel beasts. They were once pack wolves who were exiled and banned from ever joining a pack again. They were completely devoid of humanity and killed anything that moved. According to Tristan even the local packs despised rogues. So Tristan regularly goes out at night to 'control the issue'. And this time he has asked me to join. 

"Yes that sounds brilliant. I will finally be able to test out all the tricks you've taught me."

"You are a natural Essie, remember it's what we are meant to do. Now lets go freshen up and watch this ridiculous film you love so much." I nudged into him as we raced inside the manor and showered. 

I dressed in some short shorts and a fluffy jumper. My hair was tied up into a loose bun as I grabbed two large blankets from the cupboard. I walked down to the first living room and turned on the TV, loaded up Pitch Perfect and paused it just before it started. Tristan wasn't downstairs yet so I went to the kitchen and popped some popcorn. Once I had smothered the freshly popped popcorn in butter I went back to the living room.

Tristan sat with a plush blanket over his legs, revealing his shirtless, toned stomach. His wet hair was swept back and his arms flexed as he typed away on his phone.

"You ready to watch the film? I brought popcorn." He put his phone down and glanced up at me.

"And I brought the ice-cream from earlier." He patted the spot next to him and I tucked myself under the blanket. I played the film and devoured the whole tub of ice-cream within minutes. Poor Tristan only got one spoonful. I then moved onto the popcorn and munched away.

"I don't like Chloe at all. She just too dramatic and whiny." Tristan complained for the hundredth time about Chloe.

"Well tough, because I like her and we will keep watching this film until you like her too." Tristan rolled his eyes and pulled me into his firm chest. His arms encased me as a wave of tiredness swept over my. My eyes fluttered closed as Tristan stroked my hair.

"Essie, are you asleep?" I mumbled into his chest as he gently shook me. I sat up and stretched my stiff limbs. The Tv was turned off and the room was considerably darker than before I dozed off.

"Look if you are too tired we can go out tomorrow night." 

"No, I want to go out tonight. Let's go and get dressed." Tristan bundled up the blankets and we went upstairs to get ready. Tristan had moved some of his spare clothes into a room for him to change into after training. 

I dug through my wardrobe and pulled out some black leggings along with a tight black t-shirt and a leather jacket. I tied my hair into a tight ponytail and went downstairs to put on my shoes. I decided to put on my leather combat boot and waited for Tristan to appear.

After a few minutes Tristan appeared. Dressed in black trousers and a black zip up hoodie. He also had leather combat boots and his hair was gelled back out of his face.

"You look ready to hunt some rogues. Let's grab some weapons and I will walk you to a common meeting place for rogues." We walked into the weapons room and chose our weapons. Tristan selected a crossbow and a small handgun. Whereas, I went for the Glock 20 and a beautiful sword. The handle was engraved with a red ruby and had a 'W' etched in the middle of it. The blade was delicate and had a soft curve to it. I sheathed the blade into a holster I got from the rack and walked out of the room.

"Your favourite sword I see. Are you ready ?" Tristan appeared at my side and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Ready as I will ever be."

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