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It's been four days since Tristan left and I haven't heard from him at all. I've sent him countless messages and voicemails but nothing. I was so worried, that last phone call he had wasn't a good one and I couldn't help but think that something bad had happened to him. My biggest fear was that whoever had killed my Aunt Celia had got him too. I was still no closer to finding out who had killed Celia, even after reading her diary cover to cover three times. She just kept saying how 'they' were trying to 'return me to my former glory', and based off of what Tobias said I am guessing 'they' are some kind oh elitist group of hunters. But surely a hunter wouldn't kill one of their own.

My head throbbed at the thought of Tristan being hunted by those he trust but I couldn't think like that. He is probably just doing another hunter job somewhere and can't talk about it. To soothe the dull ache in my head I went to the kitchen and boiled the kettle. A cup of tea always calmed me down. I took a steady sip of my tea and headed to the weapons room. 

I grabbed my favourite sword, some throwing knives and a small handgun. I sheathed my blades and locked up the weapon room. I continued to drink my tea as I went to change from my comfy clothes to my hunting gear. I had a tight, long-sleeved black top with some leather jeans and my trusty combat boots. I grabbed my weapons and headed out into the dark night. 

The walk was shorter than last time as I found a small clearing in the forest. I huddled up under a bush and waited for a rogue to appear. My hiding spot was only a five minute walk from the manor as I didn't want to get into the same situation as last time. It must've been only a few minutes until a rogue appeared.

This time the rogue was in human form. She looked to be around 30 with long, matted black hair that fell to her waist and dirty skin. Her dull eyes skimmed the opening as she stepped into the moonlight.

"All alone tonight wickers?" Her body shifted to face my hiding spot as I stepped into the light and towards her.

"Yes. I don't need another hunter to help me kill you." I unsheathed my blade and swung it against my side.

"That is true. Your hunting partner is not all he seems. A great darkness wells in him." 

"You don't know what you are talking about, Tristan is a nice man with a kind heart." A dark chuckle escaped the rogues lips as she strode towards me. 

"You don't have to listen to me hunter. You will be dead soon anyway." The blood pumped in my ears as the rogues body twisted and contorted. She was shifting.

The sound of bones breaking filled the night as hair sprouted across the rogues body. She had completed the shift and stood on her four large paws. The rogues fur was the same colour as her hair. 

We circled each other for a bit until the rogue left out a growl and launched herself at me. My instincts took over as I jumped out of it's way. I raised my blade and ran towards her. A sickening howl left the rogue as my sword sliced along her stomach. She landed on the floor with a thud and whined slightly. I sheathed my sword and grabbed my gun.

"You are weak." I spat at the rogue as I cocked my gun. Her eyes showed no fear, no emotion, as I pulled the trigger.

I turned away from the rogue's body, not daring to look back. One kill was enough for tonight. I checked that I still had all my weapons and sprinted home.  My heart raced as I ran through the gates to Wickers Manor and straight to the weapons room. I cleaned the blood off of my sword and placed it back on the rack along with the other weapons, along with all the other weapons.

I closed the weapon room and headed inside, once I got to the kitchen I boiled the kettle and made a cup of tea. I powered my phone on and checked for anything at all from Tristan. Still nothing so I decided to leave yet another voicemail.

"Hey Tris, it's me again. Look I know you're busy but I really want to hear from you. It's been a few days and I really worried somethings happened to you. Please call me back as soon as you can. Bye."

I hung up and put the phone down on the counter. All of a sudden my vision went black as the cup slipped from my hand and shattered on the floor. My whole body went numb as a vision appeared.

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