Chapter Three

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Jack glanced around the small coffee shop. He and Dee had arrived ten minutes ago, and the place had been completely empty. Since then, the barista had been the only other person they'd see. It was honestly beginning to freak him out. Even during normal work hours for most people, there'd always be a few people sitting around on break, or parents with young children, or at least some homeless people. So why was it deserted now?  


Jack was broken out of his musings as he turned to look at Dee, who looked incredibly offended.

"Were you even listening to a word I said?"

"Of course I was!". 

Dee did not look convinced.

"You were uh, talking about the ninja dinosaurs?"

"No! I was talking about those ages ago. Now I'm trying to tell you about the new rocket ship I'm building with Jason!!"

She resumed her blabbering, and Jack once again returned to his train of thought. 

At that precise moment the bell attached to the door rung, alerting Jack to the stream of people who began entering the once deserted coffee shop. 

The clock on the wall read 11:46, so he guessed lunch hour must have finally started.

Dee had demanded that they chose the table right in front of the window, meaning it was a higher table with raised stools. She said it made her taller than everyone else so she was Queen. When Jack had asked her what that made him, she had only stuck her tongue out in response. He assumed that meant he was either the Prince, or her servant, and he preferred the former.  

Jack eyed Dee, making sure nobody pushed past her as everyone scrambled for the limited seating. The table they were sat at had four seats, meaning someone would inevitably sit next to them. Luckily Dee was sat next to the wall, so Jack was blocking anyone from accessing her, hopefully warding off the creeps. 

"Excuse me"

Jack turned away from Dee, to the source of the noise. An (unfortunately) familiar head of obnoxiously bright purple hair was stood next to him, holding a cup of tea. 


The purple-haired man smiled. "May I sit here? Sorry, all the other seats are taken" he said, gesturing with his free hand at the now bustling coffee shop. 

"Yeah, sure". Jack turned his attention back to Dee, while keeping one eye on the purple haired man.

The man took a seat on the chair furthest from Jack and Dee, leaving one empty chair between the three of them, which hopefully would not be claimed by anyone else. Purple had placed his backpack on the floor, and was now adding a solid 7 sugar packets into his coffee. He sighed and pulled his phone out his pocket, and began scrolling on some app. 

Dee took a break from her constant stream of chatter in order to take a sip of caprisun and jack seized the opportunity with both hands. 

"Anyway, berry, how's school been?"

Dee rolled her eyes. "Fine. Is that really all you can think of?"

The audacity of this child..

"Well, do you have anything better in mind. And before you say anything, no, it cannot be about dinosaurs, ninjas, rocket ships, spies, or elephants doing ballet."

Dee pouted. "But those are all the good topics!"

"Your birthday's coming up soon, isn't it?"

At the word "birthday", Dee perked up. "Yup! And I'm gonna have it at Freddy's, right?!"

Jack noticed the man beside him tense up. 

"No? I didn't agree to that, Dee. This is the first time you've brought it up?"

"Well, all my friends have had their parties at Freddy's so far, and I love it!!! They've got balloons, and animals, and a man who lets us drink special juice that smells like purple!"

The purple man spat out his coffee as Jack nearly fell off his chair.

"I- What?"

"So yeah. You've got to let me have my birthday at Freddy's or else you don't love me."

"Dee that is not how this works."

"But it's perfect! I want to go, and you work there so you get like special deals 'n stuff!!"

"Yeah, on the cra-.. terrible pizza, not on full parties!"

"Maybe if you ask Mr. Cawthon nicely he'll let me have my party there free!!"


"Sorry to interrupt." 

Jack turned towards the purple man, who had just entered the conversation .

"I promise I wasn't eavesdropping, but I heard a mention of Freddy's?"

Dee grinned and nodded.

"Freddy's? As in Freddy Fazbender's?"

Dee nodded once more. 

"Are you sure you want your birthday there? You've heard the history of that place, right?"

As much as Jack hated Fazbender's, there was no way in hell he was gonna just sit here and listen to some weird violet-coloured stranger lecture him about where he let his baby sister have her birthday. 

"Listen, you've got no right-"

"Oh, no! I'm not judging you, I swear. I just asked because I know someone who could get you some pretty sweet deals if you wanted a party there."

Jack eyed him suspiciously. 

"I'm Dave. Dave Miller."


What the hell was he doing? Wasn't the whole goal of coming back here trying to shut Fazbender Ent. down? So why was he inviting some kid to have her party here?

Would it have something to do with the fact he thought her brother (dad?) was hot and was hoping to impress him/talk to him more?

That's irrelevant. 

The little girl (hadn't orange called her "Dee"?) turned to him, practically exploding with excitement. 

"Are you for real??" 

Dave nodded. As much as he detested childers, this one was at least someone cute. Her brother more so- 

"Jack! Jack! Please?? Now you can't say no, 'cuz money's not even a problem!"

Orange sighed. 

"Maybe. I'll think about it, okay?"

He turned to Dave. "Have you got any proof, or credentials?" 

Dave pulled an old business card out of his wallet and handed it to the guy.


Jack's eye's widened. Fuck "friends with someone who works there", this dude was one of the goddamn founders. 

He was technically Jack's boss. 

"It's also got my work number and email on there, so if you make up your mind, just hit me on there. Actually, wait a sec."

The man grabbed the card out of Jack's hands, and he was too stunned to even realise what was going on. 

He scribbled something across the top and handed the hard back.

"There's my personal number- I don't really use the business one much, plus it gets full up with Karens demanding refunds."

Jack smiled weakly. "Thanks."

With that he turned and grabbed Dee, and dragged her out of the coffee shop, the small business card gripped tightly in his other hand. 

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