Chapter 14: Relief

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did i already tell yall im rewriting garden? well im telling you again.

have you read polaroid angel by gothxclaudia? i have and im in fucking tears. that's okay tho.

why am i asking so many questions? idk but hey, does anybody really know?


accidentally discovered that im a c!quackity apologist after watching that lore stream a few saturdays ago. enjoy this chapter.


Dream had gotten a call that Drista had been released from the hospital with minimal injury along with Hailey however, Drista and Hailey decided to wait until Dream's dad had permission to be dismissed from the hospital.

It had been a very long night, George ended up staying with Dream at his house for the night. (i need to stop laughing at my own story 😭 it's 2 am and im fucking wheezing like sthu)

Neither of them had been able to sleep, it felt endless.


Dream sat on the couch with George in his arms, who was soundly asleep.

He stared out the window, watching as the firefly danced across the sky.

He turned his attention to his front door, as if he were waiting for someone to walk through the white, snow colored door.

Dream waited patiently for a call from Drista or Hailey or from the hospital for that matter.

He held the brunet as tight as he could, the fear finally began to really set in.

What if something bad happens?

All the possibilities ran through Dream's head as he tried to keep up with them.

Dream tried his best to squeeze his eyes shut and push all of the rushing thoughts out of his head.

George woke up and forced himself to turn around so he was facing the blonde.

He reassured him everything would be okay in the most comforting way he could, much like Dream had done in the hospital when George began to panic.

They both sat there in the living room, George intertwined his fingers with Dream's and rested his head on Dream's shoulder.

Soon enough, the brunet felt the blonde slowly drift off to sleep.

Eventually, George fell asleep aswell.


Dream blinked his eyes rapidly and looked at the window on the far side of the living room.

The stars had faded away and all that was left was the blended colors of a sunrise, painted across the early morning sky.

Dream looked down and stared at George for a minute before looking down at his cat, Patches who was looking up at him.

He sighed and got up off of the couch, leaving the brunet who was still dead to the world (google is horrible at coming up with synonyms for asleep 😐).

Dream gave Patches her food and immediately went back over to the couch George was still resting on.

Dream gave George a kiss on the top of his forehead and went to make breakfast for when the brunet woke up.

(gogy wogy uwu bean's pov 😣❤☝✋😍😢 /j PLS- tbh this whole story is in the 3rd person perspective so there'sno point in "_____ pov")

Quietly, George woke up and walked to the kitchen.

Standing behind Dream, he wrapped his arms around the taller man. George got a few laughs from the somewhat startled blonde when suddenly, the phone rang.

George let go to walk around so he was standing next to Dream.

Dream picked up the phone and held it to his ear, he let out a shaky breath (don't any of you mfs even dare) before answering with a quiet, "Hello?"

"Hi! Is this Clay?"

"Yes, it is."

("we're here to talk about your cars extended warra-")

"This is Chloe at the ________ Hospital, we've called to confirm that your father is okay and awake. He should be dismissed from the hospital within the next few days."

Dream let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for informing me."

"Just to confirm, this is Clay Wastaken, correct?"


"And you are the son of Michael Wastaken?"


"Alright! Thank you for your time."

The phone call ended.

The pain and worry was over.

I NEED YOUR OPINIONS- yall are the ogs and i know some of you are still here even from when the story first started, should i rewrite garden or make a karlnap fanfic? ill still rewrite garden and eventually just a friend to you but i just want to know which one i should do first.

anyways pls drink water and eat if you haven't already, i love you <3.

also some of yall really want a sm^t chapter 🤨☝ calm down, we get there when we get there.

- eden 💖 (update, i fully go by they/them now :)

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