6. A little bit of love

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Nancy pov:
So another day at work and things were a bit... on edge. And with things, I meant Anna.
She was here during her shift, but could get a call about her son any minute... He was getting some sort of last surgery. If it went well, he'd get treatments to get better... If it wouldn't go well, all they could do was buy him time. But Anna didn't want him to suffer so then he'd be dead in the upcoming week...
Anna was a bit stressed and all of us tried to stay a bit out of her way, Mateo only greeted her this morning and she already snapped.

"Hey..." I tried during lunch as Marjan and I took a seat next to Anna.
She looked up.
"Did I scare the others off?" Anna asked and Marjan grinned.
"A little."
Anna sighed.
"It's understandable." I said.
"Is it? I should be able to control myself here and not that I just snap like that." Anna said and I looked at her.
"It's a stressful day for you with Zack, it's understandable that you're like this." I said.
"Yea, none of us can even inmagine what you're going through. Not even T.K. and he's the one who comes the closest..." Marjan said. 
"Maybe you can talk to him, he had some stressfull moment with his dad too... I mean I'm sure he haven't told us everything about the time in new york..." I said.
Anna looked up.
"Now? When I pretty much scared the guys off?" she asked and Marjan looked at her.
"I've got that fixed in a moment, be right back." she said and she walked to the guys.

Anna pov:  

T.K. walked to us and Nancy looked at me.
"I'll leave you to it." she said softly before she left.
I looked at him.
"Sorry if I scared you and the guys off earlier." I said and T.K. grinned.
"It's fine... I get it. I used to snap in New York all the time..." he said.
"Did you ever lose hope?"
"Yea, I did... But after a few miracles in New York, I learned never to give up hope."
"Well for Zack, there might not be any hope."
"Might not. Which means there might be hope as well."
"T.K. I apreciate the fact that you're trying to talk hope into me... But if the surgery-"
"I know. But your son needs you to have hope..."
I sighed and he sat down next to me.
"I might not fully get what you're going through, but I know what it's like to have someone you care about who has cancer. It's hard and sometimes you lose hope... That's how I got addicted.." 
"You were addicted once?"
"Yea, I'm clean for more then a year now though..."
"The thing is, T.K., I'm nothing without Zack. All I do is for him, he's my world, my life, just everything..."
He looked at me.
"You're you. And he is your son. I get it that he means the world to you, but you'll always be you. No matter what."
"I'm not so sure T.K., all I've ever done was for my son. He made me who I am. What if..."
I closed my eyes and sighed.
"What if the surgery doesn't go well and they can't help him anymore... That he's gonna die. Then what am I supposed to do?" I felt tears burning but I manged to keep them inside.
"Live your life." TK said softly and I looked at him.
"And what if that's not so easy?"
"You have to take your time for it."
"Why do you say it like it's so easy?"
"Because that's all I can say about all this... You have to do this on your own way, just take your time. Besides maybe you're worrying for nothing, what if the surgery goes well? You're only think about the bad senario."
I sighed and T.K. looked at me.
"When do you know more?"
"After my shift. Then one of Zack's nurses will call me to tell me if it went well or not..."
He put a hand on my shoulder.
"No matter what, we'll be here for you."
"Thanks T.K..."

After my shift, Mateo asked me if I was doing okay since I still didn't got a call from the hospital...
"I'm fine... I could get the call at any moment..." I said and after an hour Mateo looked at me again.
"Maybe you should just go to the hospital, I could come with you so you don't have to be waiting alone..."
He looked at me with a cute smile and I sighed.
"Okay, fine."
The others looked at us.
"We're hanging out at me place, if you need us; you'll know where to find us." T.K. said and I nodded.

We arrived at the hospital and I walked to the reception desk.
"Hi, my name is Anna Parker, I'm here for my son Zack Parker. Is he still is surgery? I was supposed to get a call once he got out of surgery." I said and the lady typed somethinf in her computer.
"He never went into surgery. He's on the ICU."
"What? Why?"
"Here stands that his health has gone down... He wasn't in a good enough shape for surgery and his situation has become worse."
"Can I go to him?"
"Only you, not your friend." she said as she motioned to Mateo.
I looked at him.
"Go to your son. I'll be here for you."
"Thanks Mateo..." I said and I gave him a hug before I followed another nurse to Zack.

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