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(Y/n)'s POV

<><>This Flashback is sponsored by Cleo.<><>

"Cleo! Please don't die on me!"

I was crying so hard. Tears fall down like waterfalls and I could control my breathing. I have my mouth open to gasp for air, making those sounds when a child cries too much. The cut in my hand was aching, but that's not enough to get me to tears.

"It's ok (Y/n)... Its ok..." Cleo reassured me before coughing. No your not fucking ok! You have a fucking bullet in your fucking chest! You're not ok!

"Hey... Did you control it?" she asked my with dreamy and pleading eyes. I looked at her smile and almost wanna cry more, but I feel like my lungs wouldn't agree with me.

I let out a giggle, "Yes... I can." She gave a hopeful smile. I know that she wanted me to control my side effects, because of an accident that made her wanna keep fighting death with me.

"So... Can you tell me who I am?" She requested as she gave an excited grin which quickly shifted to a pained groan. I giggled as I almost choked on my tears.

"Of course..." I held her hand. I saw a girl running around a hill who looks like Mini Cleo. Her brown chestnut hair and brownish eyes were pretty, just like how she looked in the present. She was playing with a little boy I couldn't see.

"Bryce! Wait for me!" she called out at the boy as he looks back and reached his hand out. "Come on Ria! You're such a slow poke!"

"What did you see?" Cleo asked with wide and pleading eyes. I sighed in happiness; "I saw you playing with your best friend, it even looked like you're a couple." I told her as she gleefully held her pain.

"You're name is Ria." I continued as I wipe the tears that was falling down to my cheeks. She gasped in delight.

"That felt close to heart than Cleo." she giggled as I joined in for a laugh.

"Hey... (Y/n)" she sighed in exhaustion.

"Yes... Ria." I hurriedly answered using her real name.

"I'm sorry for not keeping our promise."

"No! Don't blame yourself... If I just did the training with seriousness, I would've saved you... It's all my fault!"

"No... I still didn't kept my promise to you."

"Ria." I sighed. It's not her fault... It's their, it's the scientists fault... She shouldn't die at all! It neither of us to blame...

"(Y/n)... Can you promise me one thing?"

"Of course..." I went close to her as I carry her in my arms.

"If you find someone like me... Who needs you... Please... Don't leave them..." She said as she let go of her breathe.

"I promise... And I won't break it."

<><>This End of Flashback is sponsored by Ria.<><>

"So... I'm asking you to train me again!" I requested Ohm after I smiled in sadness and nostalgia. He gave a sigh and looked at me in the eyes.

Ohm's POV

I looked at her eyes; Determination. A glow that I only saw when she trained handguns after two weeks of forcing her, but It was brighter and more recognizable than before.

She's not kidding; Moo did caught her attention. I know that he's a kind hearted man, but for her to recognize it and get close to him is a mistake. She could get herself to danger, but I never saw her this determined at all.

I kinda wanna know how she'll do... For Moo.

"I'll help you... But I wanna warn you; You'll never live." I said in a serious tone.

"I'll die then!" she answered without hesitation. She does keep her Promises. I wonder how long she'll last.

<><>This Montage is brought to you by Two weeks.<><>

"Hold your knife the right way, or you'll stab yourself." I reminded her as I show her the proper way to hold it. She was struggling with it, but I can see her trying unlike before.


"Aiming for the weak spots are the easiest way out from a fight! But be careful not to make yours obvious." I said as I closely walk towards the punching bag she's beating up.


"Predicting your opponents movements can give you the high ground, and being unpredictable can maintain that higher ground!" I said as I tripped her using my feet. "Like that." She uttered a pained groan and arched her back.


"Stabbing is recommended, but Slashing is a must! Especially when you go for a long fight. Don't always focus on killing in one hit But in hurting the enemy!" I looked at her as she do exercises with her knife. She was learning quick... Even quicker than anyone else I taught.


"Don't always rely on your side effect. It only show death, not pain." She dodged my attack easily as I spoke.


I see she play with her knife like a professional assassin. And as she threw the knife and hitting the bullseye, I know that she wanted this... I left the room with a smile.


"Mate!" She yelled as she pinned me down the ground and point her knife to me. "What's next?!"

I give a smirk, and looks at her eyes. "Graduation."

(Y/n)'s POV

"Gr-Graduation?!" I stuttered, earning a laugh from Ohm. I reached out my hand and he gladly took it and stood up.

"You heard me... Graduation. And it only took you 2 weeks." he announced. Wait! Only two weeks?! It felt like forever... No... It felt... Faster. Is it because I wanted to do this?

<><>This short Time Skip is sponsored by Graduation.<><>

"Your graduation test is going to start at twelve. There will be people who are going to look for you for a bounty I'll post for three hours. Good luck." he texted me as I stand on top of a random building.

"P.S. Don't die." I laughed as I read the final sentence. Don't worry... I promise I won't die.

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