Chapter one

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Dear Rosie,

I can't believe I am writing this letter to you. I know you have only been here for a few hours, so we didn't have time to talk.

I just want to tell you, that you have captured my interest. I hope I will also catch yours.


Secret Admirer.

I looked at the letter in my hands. I can't believe someone likes me. I have only been at the musical theatre camp for a few hours.

I remember the week before I went to camp, my mother called me to her room. "Rosie, come here" my mother shouted from her room.

I sighed and put my headphones off. I was just listening to some music, but I guess I will have to go upstairs. I walk to my mothers room and I looked inside.

My mother and father were sitting on the bed and there was an empty chair next to the bed. My parents looked at me expectantly, so I sat down on the chair.

"Honey, we are going to Canada next year" my father said in an excited voice. I jumped up from my chair and cheered. I was hoping to become a travelling journalist and my dream was to travel all over the world.

Canada was like another continent for me, since I have never been out of state. I felt the excitement course through my body.

My mother slapped my father. "Your father and I will be going to Canada, but you will not be going" my mother said to me. My mouth fell open and I stopped cheering.

What? How could my parents leave me behind while they went to Canada? I felt like crying.

"I don't understand" I said with a tremble in my voice. A tear ran over my cheek and I wiped it away. My father say my disappointment and said "but you will be going somewhere else."

This caught my attention. Where would I be going then?

My mother jumped up from the bed and grabbed an advertising book. She showed me one of the pages. I grabbed the magazine and read the page.

Bring your kids to the most exciting camp in America: The musical theatre camp.

Were my parents going crazy or something? "What the hell" I shouted. My father put his hands up and said "that is no way to talk to your mother like that."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the photo's. There were photo's of kids on stages, in a lake and in the woods doing what looked like fun activities.

I knew struggling against my parents wouldn't help me. I threw the magazine against my mother's head and ran out of their room.

When I was in my room, I slammed the door as hard as I could.

Now I am hear in Yellow Stone Park. Luckily, I convinced my friends to come with me on this awful camp. Lola was currently putting her clothes in her closet.

Kayla and Brianna were checking out the lake, where you could swim. I turned to Lola and asked "have you seen anyone entering our cabin in the last few hours?"

Lola shook her head and asked "why?"

I walked to Lola and showed her the letter that I have found on my bed.

"Omg, you have a secret admirer" Lola gushed. I blushed and looked away. I didn't want a secret admirer. If I had a matter in this, I wouldn't even be in this camp in the first place.

I heard the cabin door open and Brianna and Kayla walked in. They looked excited and started talking about how cool the lake was.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Brianna shouted. I shook my head and my thoughts drifted to my secret admirer.

How did he get into my cabin? What did he look like?

"Hello Rosie, do you feel okay?" Kayla asked me concerned. "Yes, I am fine. My thought just drifted off" I said. Lola looked at me with a pointed expression. I ignored her and looked out of the window.

I saw an handsome boy walking a few metres away. He had brown hair that was brushed to the right. He had sparkling blue eyes. Our eyes connected for a few seconds. I felt myself getting red so I looked away.

Lola, Brianna and Kayla were talking about the castings for the upcoming auditions for the musical.

"I heard there was going to be a special guest to help us with the musical" Lola said.

"Who could it be?" I asked them.

Brianna and Kaya shared a look. "We know who it is" Kayla said with an excited voice.

"Who is it?" Layla asked impatiently.

"Its Kevin Quinn!" Brianna said. My mouth fell open.

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