Chapter three

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Dear Rosie,

We still haven't officially met yet, which is kind of embarrassing on my part and really sad at the same time.

I also promise that this is not some joke or prank.

I am hoping to finally get enough courage to actually talk to you, instead of staring at you from a distance.

You must think I am some creep, but I just cant help myself. I would like to talk with you anonymously so my phone number is written on the other side of the letter.

I understand if you don't want anything to do with me.

I do hope you reach out to me!


Your Secret Admirer.

Brianna grabbed the letter out of my hand and made some weird choked sound.

"Another letter from your secret admirer?" she asked me with an excited voice. I don't get why she is so happy about these letters? I still think this might be a joke or a dare or something like that.

I sighed and put my head under my pillow. I heard muffled voiced coming through the door. I guess Lola and Kayla are back from the cafeteria.

The food here is terrible. Even my dog wouldn't eat the food that I got at this stupid camp.

"What's tonight on the menu?" I asked them and hoped there wouldn't be any meatloaf like yesterday.

"Tonight, they are serving spaghetti" Lola said. I smiled while Brianna looked ready to puke any moment now.

Brianna gave the letter to Kayla and Lola who looked at the letter with the same excitement that Brianna still has. I hate all the attention that came with the love letters.

I was going to text this person and ask them to stop texting me immediately.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and saved the number in my contacts under the name: Secret Admirer. I started texting this person immediately.

Me: Could you stop sending me love letters, the attention that comes with the love letters is kind of annoying.

I probably sounded like a bitch, but I really wish this person would stop.

Secret Admirer: Sorry, I didn't mean to upset or annoy you, I swear ☹.

Jeez, now I felt really bad.

I wanted to text back, but auditions were beginning in ten minutes.

Lola grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way to the auditorium. I slapped her arm. "That wasn't necessary at all" I told Lola with a scowl on my face.

"That was totally necessary" Kayla said.

"You were staring at your phone the whole time. I had said your name more than 5 times" Brianna said with a giggle.

"Who were you texting" Lola asked. I don't know if I should tell them that I was texting my secret admirer or not.

Luckily, I didn't have to.

Kevin Quin(!!!!!!) walked on stage and said "welcome to the auditions." The room started clapping and yelling.

It's still so unreal that Kevin Quinn is here to help with our musical. I am just speechless.

I have seen all his tiktoks more than three times. You could say I am kind of obsessed with him.

We were all expected to sing a song and act out a scene that we have never done before. The judges could have a good idea if we were good enough for the musical or not.

I hoped to get the lead role just to sabotage Cordelia.

I saw Cordelia looking at me furiously from the other side of the room. I waved at her with a fake smile. She looked even redder and I heard Kayla snicker beside me.

Names were called and people started doing scenes and singing songs. I didn't hear them and was too busy looking at him.

The boy I saw yesterday.

Cordelia was talking to him and she put her hand on his arm. He looked at her hand and then back at her. He didn't seem to be into Cordelia but he also didn't do anything against Cordelia's flirtations.

I felt a little mad, even though I didn't have any right to be mad or jealous for that matter.

My name was called, but also Matthew's name.

We went backstage and I felt my stomach flutter.

We said nothing backstage and when our names were called for the second time, we walked on the stage.

I sang my song: Over the Rainbow. He also sang his song, but I didn't know the song. He was also a really good singer.

Kevin Quinn grabbed two sheets of paper out of a box. "You will be playing a love scene from a play. You guys have to convince us, that you are in love."

Oh my god.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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