Chapter two

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"You're lying!" Layla says with her mouth open and her eyes wide. There is no way that international superstar Kevin Quinn is going to help our camp with the musical.

"No, me and Kayla saw him waking to the lake" Brianna says with obvious enthusiasm in her voice.

I opened my mouth to voice my excitement about our new guest but then I heard a voice speak over the intercom.

"Hello campers, I hope you all are ready for the best summer in your life! This summer will be full with games such as tag and truth or dare. I am asking everyone to come to the theatre to meet a new guest."

My friends and I started walking to the theatre. On my right side I saw the beautiful woods and campers also making their way to the theatre. On my left side, I saw all of our cabins.

The sight of the camp would be something you would see in a summer movie. But this isn't a good movie, its more like a horror movie to me.

I walked through the doorway of the theatre. It was dark inside and there were so much chairs. I sat down on an empty chair and my friends sat next to me.

There were murmurs through the theatre. No one knew what was going on. I looked to my right to see the same boy that I saw walking past our cabin.

Our eyes met again and I looked away quickly. At that exact moment, the lights went on and the theatre was filled with screams.

There on stage was Kevin Quinn. Me and my friends stood up from our chairs and started screaming like the fangirls that we were. The boy next to me looked at me surprised. I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

Director Tess gave Kevin a microphone. He took the microphone and said "hi everyone." The audience was going wild. The boy next to me doesn't look excited at all, he is glaring at Kevin Quinn with anger.

What was his problem?

"I am going to help you guys with the musical. I will be one of the judges at the audition" Kevin said.

"Isn't he so handsome?" Lola whispered in my ear. I nodded and gave her a small smile. Lola was Kevin Quinn's biggest fangirl. This was a dream come true for her.

"Auditions will be this Friday. The musical we will be playing is called: My Secret Admirer" Kevin said.

The lights went off again and Kevin walked off stage. The doors of the theatre opened and everyone was ushered outside.

Everyone was chatting about the musical, the auditions and the international superstar.

"I can't believe that auditions are already this Friday" Brianna said with shock in her voice. I have to admit that Friday was a little quick.

"I know right, now I have zero time to prepare" Kayla said. That was maybe why they announced it on such short notice I thought to myself.

I heard some screeching voice behind me. The voice said "of course I already know Kevin Quin. My father and him are close friends" said an awfully familiar voice.

I turned around and saw Cordelia talking to her friend Rory. Cordelia was what you would call, a queen bee. She was super annoying but pretty.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Cordelia looked at me and asked "what?" in her usually bitchy voice. "Its not like you would ever get to be the lead role" Cordelia said to me.

My original plan was to be super bad at my audition and get the role of tree or something but Cordelia has changed my opinion.

"I guess we will see at the auditions who is the better performer" I told Cordelia. Her eyes squinted at me and her forehead had a frown.

I smirked and turned to my friends.

"Don't think you have a chance with him" Cordelia said with a squeaky voice.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"About Matthew" Cordelia said with a blush on her cheeks. I looked at her with confusion, I didn't know anyone named Matthew.

"It's the boy you were staring at in the theatre" Cordelia elaborated.

"I wasn't staring" I told Cordelia with a harsh voice.

"Keep lying to yourself" Cordelia said and walked away with her hips swaying and leaving me confused behind. 

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