Chapter one - The Quirk

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Kirishima was in class, noticing quite quickly that Bakugo wasn't there. He looked around seeing that everyone was still living as accounted for. And he looked out in the hallway for some type of sign explosions, cursing, anything at this point. Kirishima sat back down, now worried as this wasn't like Bakugou. Aizawa sulked his way into the classroom like usual. "Bakugou got hit by a quirk" he said, blankly. Denki was the first to raise his hand. "Yes?" He said. "What kind of quirk" he asked. "Maybe you should let me finish" Aizawa said, squinting his tired eyes. "You can come in Bakugou" Aizawa barely whispered towards the door. Bakugou walked in, hands in pockets, and a scowl on his face. But he had a dog tail and ears. His dog ears stood up tall and his tail was down low. "Aw~" all the girls said in unison. Bakugou's ears dropped low on the sides. "SHUT UP" he yelled, stomping to his seat and Aizawa began class as usual.

•Time skip to lunch brought to you by Sam's cola, a off brand.•

The bakusquad sat at their usual table and with the new "accessories" on Bakugou. Mina and Denki took this as a challenge to piss Bakugou off because they felt like it. "Bakubae hold on, I'm curious" Mina said, leaning in to touch Bakugou's dog ears. Bakugou grabbed her wrist. "Touch me with your pepto bismol colored hands, and I'll explode your ass to the hospital" Bakugou gritted through his fangs. Mina took her hand back and sat it in her lap. "Oh now I'm curious" Denki whined.

"Hey Bakubro, after school do you want to go on a walk?" Kirishima asked, shifting the subject. "Well Kirishima do you have a collar and a leash so Bakubitch doesn't run off?" Denki teased. Bakugou's last second ticked and he became a bomb. He tried to jump up and tackle Denki to explode him into the floor but Kirishima stopped him. "Bakubro, Denki is trying to piss you off on purpose, you're not going to let him win are you?" Kirishima said, knowing Bakugo wouldn't let Denki win. "ME!? LET HIM WIN!? NEVER!" Bakugou yelled, still kicking and struggling to get out of Kirishima's grasp. "Then calm down" Kirishima said. Bakugou stopped struggling but Kirishima knew he was still mad. Kirishima kept one arm around Bakugou while the other reached for the top of Bakugou's head, he then began to pet Bakugou. Bakugou didn't bother to stop him as he was calming down but he had to restrict the urge to yell at his crush that he wasn't a dog. And yes, Bakugou had a crush on the shark. Kirishima made sure that Sero, Denki, and Mina couldn't see that he was petting Bakugou.

Kirishima put Bakugou down and they sat back in their seats. Denki and Mina had giant smiles on their faces while Sero looked a little concerned. I guess Bakugou, Kirishima, and Sero were worried on what those two were planning. Once those two start talking, it's all down hill. The bell rang and they left the canteen.

Bakugou seemed different throughout the day. His ears were down and so was his tail except he didn't look angry he seemed more...sad. No one paid attention to it except Kirishima. Kirishima was the only one able to walk next to Bakugou without being blown up into a wall.

When their final class was over, Kirishima asked Bakugou to come to his dorm room.

Kirishima heard a knock on his door and he opened to find Bakugou, his ears and tail still down sadly, but he his normal scowl. "What the hell you'd want shitty hair" he said. Kirishima pulled Bakugou in and before Bakugou could throw a fit he asked. "Are you alright, you seemed off after lunch" the red head asked, leaning against the door. Bakugou went silent and looked at the floor. If he knew Kirishima like he knew Kirishima he knew that Kirishima would know if he was lying. "Do I look....stupid?" Bakugou asked. This surprised the shark. The one person in all of UA who wasn't afraid to talk smack and actually smack was insecure. "What makes you think that" the shark asked. "Everyone has been joking how I'm an actual dog" Bakugou said. His scowl softened and he shifted his hands into each other. "Bakubro, you shouldn't listen to what they say about you" the red head told the blonde. "I still think you're the strongest, manliest guy at UA, even with the ears and tail" Kirishima reassures. Bakugou's tail wagged happily and his ears perked up with surprise. It was odd to see so much expression in the usually angry blonde but Kirishima liked it nonetheless. Kirishima smirked warmly not showing his sharp teeth. "Thanks I guess" Bakugou said, putting his hands in his sweatpants pockets, but his tail still wagged happily for even his scowl couldn't hide that he was happy.

Bakugou noticed his tail was happy and tried to stop if but he could reach it so he basically started chasing his tail in a circle Kirishima tried his best to hold in a laugh. "Try going the other way" Kirishima said, almost dying with laughter. Bakugou stopped, his ears went down and he whimpered. "Oh, Bakubro" Kirishima said as he stopped laughing. He walked over to the upset puppy and hugged him. "I'm sorry I was only teasing" Kirishima reassured. Bakugou huffed as his tail wagged with happiness again. "I swear I'm going to blow my tail off" Bakugou muttered. "Wouldn't that hurt you?" Dwayne Johnson's nephew asked. Bakugou shrugged. "NOW LET GO OF ME!" Bakugou yelled, making his hands sparkle with small explosions. Kirishima let's go quickly and chuckles in the process. Bakugou leaves with a red face and a happy tail.

Bakugou woke up in horror. Another nightmare. Ever since he was kidnapped by the league of villains, he would have vivid nightmares about them taking him again. It scared him and he barely ever got any sleep from them but he always hid it under his scowl and angry attitude. But now with the tail and ears you could tell he was scared. He thought he was a baby for being scared. The Bakugou remembered what Mina said during class. "Kiri is such a cuddle shark, when I have nightmares he cuddles with me until I feel better" Bakugou remembered in her annoying voice. He got up and walked over to Kirishima's room. He knocked on his door and he heard a shuffle from the room as the footsteps got louder towards the door then opened and Bakugou was face to face with...

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