Chapter two - The Damn Tail

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A shirtless Kirishima. Bakugou blushed deeply while staring. "Oh Bakubro, I thought you went to bed already" Kirishima said, not even bothered by the fact that he was shirtless in front of his crush. Bakugou just walked in not saying anything. Kirishima noticed that his tail was hiding between his legs and his ears were down. "Is something wrong" Kirishima asked. "Mina said you cuddle when she has nightmares" Bakugou said. Kirishima's back straightened. " have a nightmare?" Kirishima asked, closing the door. Bakugou only nodded. "I have them every night" Bakugou said. "Oh.." Patrick's house said sadly. "Wait so you want to-" Kirishima said as he remembered what he said about Mina. "Just don't tell anyone" Bakugou huffed. Kirishima shrugged and sat on his bed. Bakugou was confused, since he never cuddled with someone before and he shivered at the word 'cuddle'. Kirishima rolled his eyes and patted next to him. Bakugou went over and sat down. Kirishima instantly hugged Bakugou, he wrapped his arms around his right shoulder and leaned his head on his left shoulder. Bakugou was a little surprised at the movement but soon felt okay with it.

"Why does Mina like this?" Bakugou asked. "Doesn't it make you feel safe" the fifth crystal gem said. Bakugou thought for a second then realized that he was right, it does feel safe. "I guess" he said as his tail wagged. "Your tail seems to think other wise" Kirishima teased. "Stop looking at it" Gordon Ramsay's grandson said. "Why not, you embarrassed?" Kirishima continued to tease. "I'm not embarrassed" Bakugou gritted through his teeth as his tail wagged faster. "Alright" Kirishima sighed. Bakugou laid his head on Kirishima's to which Kirishima didn't say anything. They both eventually fell asleep cuddling.

Bakugou woke up to hearing something. Like someone was walking around. Bakugou looked out through Kirishima's window to see that it was morning, he got up and opened the door to see Mina, Denki, and Sero in front of the door, about to knock. "What are you doing in Kirishima's room~" Mina said, swaying her hips from side to side. Bakugou rolled his eyes but was blushing. "Doesn't matter, what do you losers want?" Bakugou asked. "Kiri was going to go with us to the arcade do you want to tag along too?" Sero said, calmly. Bakugou 'tched before agreeing. Then he was stormed with questions. "Can you see color or is it all just black and white" Denki asked. "Hold on don't answer that I want to see something" Mina said, covering Denki's mouth. Mina removed her hand and stared at Bakugou with a big grin. "Sit" she said and Bakugou plopped to the floor without thinking. "The fuck!?" He yelled, waking up Kirishima. Mina and Denki began to laugh hysterically. Bakugou's ears went down and his tail coiled. Kirishima went over and picked Bakugou up.

"Guys don't make fun of Bakugou" Kirishima said. Bakugou hid behind him as he was upset. When Kirishima says Bakugou instead of Bakubro it means he's serious. "Sorry Baku" Mina said and Denki followed. Then they made their way to the arcade.

At the arcade Denki and Mina played dance dance revolution while Sero played some type of racing game but Bakugou stayed by Kirishima while they played a strength test. Bakugou was upset when he lost.

Kirishima said he had to go to the bathroom and left Bakugou alone. Bakugou didn't want to go near electrical socket and pinkie pie because they were being mean. And he doesn't feel like heading Aizawa's smile friend (Sero) just because. So he basically stood alone on his phone for a bit.

Until someone tugged his tail. He turned around to see a tall guy with a shaved head and a scar on his left forearm. Bakugou growled. "OI KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!" Bakugou yelled. The man smirked devilishly. "Why, I know you like it" he teased. Bakugou felt disgusted. "NO I DON'T YOU PERV" Bakugou yelled again. This time he pushed the man away. But the man took a step closer.

Then Bakugou felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Kirishima, but it wasn't the Kirishima you'd see usually. He wasn't smiling his toothy grin he had a grumpy frown, his eyes weren't full of energy like usual they were dull and filled with anger it was like his eyes glowed due to the dark arcade. This side of Kirishima was hot but terrifying. The man backed up and left quickly. Kirishma turned back to normal. "Hey, you alright?" He asked. Bakugou couldn't answer, yeah he was fine, but what he witnessed was pure beauty and horrifying. "I never knew you could be that angry?" Bakugou teased adding a grin at the end. Kirishima rolled his eyes. "I normally knew how to keep my anger down but I made an exception" Kirishima said.

Kirishima looked up and saw a claw game and there was a shark plush inside.

Kirishima looked up and saw a claw game and there was a shark plush inside

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And he needed to have it, thankfully it was near the top. Kirishima practically ran to the machine and looked at the cute shark plush. Bakugou walked up, hands in pockets, and looked at the toy. "Bakubro~" Kirishima said, excitedly. Bakugou sighed. "We can take turns, whoever gets it first keeps it" Kirishima challenged. Bakugou wasn't going to step down from a challenge even though he didn't want the damn toy. "You're on" he huffed.

Kirishima went first. He inserted a coin and began to try and catch the shark. He failed. Now it was Bakugou's turn. Unlike Kirishima, Bakugou was more on looking through more than one perspective. He inserted the coin and moved the claw over the shark. He bent down to look from the sharks perspective. It was aligned. Bakugou went to the side of the machine and looked, the claw was a little more to the front. Bakugou moved the claw back a little then looked again. Perfect. And bent down again to see if it was aligned. Perfect. Bakugou pushed the red button to drop the claw. It grabbed the shark and carried it the glass case and dropped it in there. "Wow you're good" Kirishima said, nodding. Bakugou tched and took the shark plush. "Aw man, I really wanted it too" mount. Everest's cousin whined. Bakugou rolled his eyes and gave Kirishima the shark. "Aw Bakubro~" Kirishima said, excitedly and lifted Bakugou into a hug. Bakugou's tail wagged happily as he tried to hide his smile as Kirishima was just too cute! "Put me down Shitty hair" Bakugou said with a growl at the end.

They all met up again on accident. "Since we're all here, I'm hungry, we should go get pizza!" Denki said. Everyone except Bakugou nodded. "Whatever" Bakugou said, rolling his eyes. As they walked Kirishima told them how Bakugo gave him the shark plush. Bakugou could only blush as he walk.

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